Day 7: Yuta?

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Crying at the picture ^


"I see how it is" Haechan said when he entered the room and saw the three boys asleep.

Doyoung woke up because of the younger's noise.

"What?" He said, voice raspy.

"I came home late and no one was awake so I went to bed and now I come to greet you but you already replaced your cuddle buddy?" Haechan says, fake offended. Doyoung laughs at the other's drama.

"AND they're not even as cute as me... well Mark can almost rival me... almost"

"Shut up and go eat your breakfast"


Doyoung looked at his bed... there's someone missing... wait how the fuck did Mark end up in the floor, he literally was on the side of the wall, he had to get over both him and Johnny to be able to do that.


takoyakiprince: im free if you still wanna talk, i was gonna tell to you yesterday but u didn't come to class

'Fuck, Yuta' He guesses he still has to talk to him.

skinnylegenddoie: yeah, can you meet me after class?

'I know what you're gonna say Kim, I remember' Yuta wanted to say, but seeing the younger, even if he knew what came was rejection, was better than nothing.

takoyakiprince: sure, where?

skinnylegenddoie: let's go to the place you took me

Yuta smiled at his phone, 'I can do that'


"Yuta I-"

"I know what you're gonna say" Yuta smiled at the younger.

"I don't think you do" He couldn't possibly right? Why was he smiling?

"You don't like me" Doyoung's heart dropped.

"I'm sorry"

"Hey hey why are you crying Kim, don't you think that should be me" Yuta said, drying the tears from the youngers cheeks.

"I- It's just, you're so good Yuta, and I really wanted to like you b-"

"You know why they always managed to take you away from me?" Yuta asked, Doyoung shook his head.

"Its not because I let them, it's because I didn't want to take you away from them"

"You don't like me?" Doyoung asked, confused.

"I did, I do, but you're not what I'm missing Doyoung... when I picture us two, I picture us up here, cursing out into a world that treated us like we were all meant to be the same, not down there, trying to make this monotone town our own" Yuta said words too deep for anyone to understand really, but with them it made sense.

"Maybe in another life we're meant to be together, but until then Doyoung, I'll keep searching for my missing puzzle piece, because I think you've already found yours" He finished, smiling, Doyoung was still crying, a little bit less now though.

"I promise you, that if we meet in another life we'll fall in love" Doyoung said sniffling, Yuta shook his head...

"You can't promise me that, instead, promise me that in whatever lifetime we're on, we'll look for eachother" Yuta held up his pinky, Doyoung giggled.

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