Chapter 10

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Carson And The Girls Never Noticed The Bite Marks On My Neck, I Was Good At Hiding those Things. Carson sat down next to me and smiled.
"Hi" I Hugged him.
"Hows your day been" He smiled and hugged me back.
"Boring" I Kissed His Chin. There Was No Tingling Feeling That I Got With Aaron But It Was Still Nice.
"Ive Got Something For You"
"You Do"
"Yeah. It took Me Forever To Find It" He Reached In His Pocket And Pulled Out a Ring That He Had Given Me Before.
"Is It The Same One" I Smiled And Took The Ring, Sliding It On The Ring finger On My Right Hand.
"Of Course"
I Kissed Him And Smiled "I Love You Carson"
"I Love You More"
"Not Possible" I Kissed Him again, Part Of Me Was Yelling That It Was Aaron I Should Be Kissing.

After a little while of sitting on the couch with Carson I suddenly got Really tried. I yawned and stretched.
"Bed time" Carson Laughed. I smiled and kissed his chin.
"will you come in"
"theres things I need to do"
"Atleast lay with me until I fall Asleep" I smiled and batted my eyelashes.
"Fine" We both stood up and walked to the room that I had been in the last couple days, Aaron was on his cot sleeping. I walked over to my bed and curled up in the middle, Carson Came up and pulled the blankets out, After wrapping them around me He laid down next to me. I sighed and curled up with him.

When I woke up Carson was gone but Aaron was standing at the end of the bed watching me.
"what" I sat up, rubbing my eyes.
"I heard" he said before running out of the room.
what was he talking about? Aaron was such a confusing boy. I got up and got dressed before walking into the kitchen.
"Moring" carson said with a smile, Aaron glared at me from the other side of the small room

What Was Aaron's Problem? He Ignores Me Almost All Day Yesterday , My face heated up just thinking about . the little time he spent not ignoring me . I smiled, Aaron owed me blood, He couldn't just take my blood (yeah I gave him permission but still) and expect not to give me any of his blood back. I kissed Carson as I watched Aaron.

"are you going to have to leave today" I asked carson.
I opened my mind to Aaron and showed him what I wanted, He was soon smiling.
"Nope, Im spending the day with you" While Carson Smiled, Aarons Smile Faded.
'We'll Find a way' I thought to Aaron. He nodded and left the kitchen.

"Thats cool" I smiled and kissed carson.

Me And Carson Spent the day watching tv, sitting in the garden, Kissing and playing card games. It was a nice and relaxing day that I really needed, but Something I also needed was Aaron's blood. The more and more I thought about today I realized that what me and Carson did was more like an old married couple not a teenage couple would do. As I curled up with Carson that night I realized it was Aaron I wanted, I wanted A Aaron more then Carson but I NEEDED Carson in my life. I sighed, Kissed Carson on his forehead and went to the living room, where Aaron was sleeping.

"Aaron" I Whispered.
"Whhhhhat" He looked at me sleepily.
"I need your blood" I smiled. He was suddenly wide awake and smiling back at me.
"Need?" He was grinning.
"Yes, Need."
"How bad do you need it?"
"Very Badly." I smiled. My insides Exploding with Passion. "Please Can I Have Some?" I said when he didn't say anything.
He nodded and leaned back. I sat on his lap, and put my hands on the sides of his face. he smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back before letting go and biting in to his neck. He Sucked in his breath. I Began drinking his blood, as spark almost literary flew.

I Licked My Lips and Sat Up. Aaron Was Smiling.
"That Was Nice" He Laughed. I Nodded and smiled
I didnt realize what was happening until Aaron was pinning me down on the couch and was kissing my neck. I knew it wasnt right but It felt so nice so I let things continue.

I Wasnt Sure How Far Me And Aaron Had Gone But Suddenly Aaron Was On The Other Side Of The Room, BReathing Heavily.
"What Just Happened? Why Did You Stop?" I Asked As I Sat Up.
"I Couldnt Go Any Farther."
"Someone Put A Spell On You That Wouldnt Let Me" He Looked Hurt.
"But Who?"
"No Idea." He Looked Like He Could Pass Out,
"Sit" I Sat Up And Straighted My Clothes.
He Sat Down And Watched Me. I Bit My Lip and Tried not to frown.

I sat down next to Aaron.
"You should go back to Carson" Aaron said, His voice had no emotion.
"Why?" I whispered.
"Your with him now, you love him!" Aaron was almost loving.
"I've been thinking."
"I Love You more. My Relation Ship with Carson is Sweet But What I have with you is like fire"
"He's Safer"
I Sighed and walked back to the room carson was in.
I layed down next to Carson

I Sat there, not sure what to do. Carson and Aaron Were In The Kitchen Talking, No Not Talking Arguing. This Is What I Woke Up To. I Woke Up In a peaceful mood, Aaron's blood pulsing through My veins. I had been laying in Bed peacefully when I began hearing them yell. It was about me, I had heard my name more then Once but I couldn't hear what excalty they were saying. Did Carson knew that Aaron drank my blood and then I had drink-en Aaron's Blood? Did Carson Know What Me And Aaron Had Almost Done Last Night. I thought For A Moment And Now I Knew What Needed To Be Done. I Needed To Chose For Good This Time. Which Anderson Brother Did I Really Want?

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