Chapter 18

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I layed there all night not able to sleep. Carson was restless, as he tossed back in forth. He Kept muttering something like "I shouldnt have done it"
When Carson finally woke up for the day, We got dressed and went down stairs. On The Way down I got that sick feeling and of course Aaron And Emily Were Sitting At the table, kissing.
"you ready?" Carson asked me.
"Yup" I Smiled and took his hand, Glad to be going back to vist my mom.
"We're Coming!" Emily Squeaked.
Carson nodded and we all headed out.


I was sitting on the couch with my Parents when Carson went into the kitchen. After a moment I followed him. I stopped when I heard voices.
"What do you want Carson?" I pushed the door open just a little to see Kelsi and Carson talking.
"I wanted to say thank you"
"So say it."
"Thank you for hooking Aaron and Emily up it helps me"
"Your welcome but I still don't get whats in it for me. Aaron could've been mine" she pouts for a moment.
"You can have this" I Freeze as Carson takes Kelsi In his Arms and kisses her cheek. He stops, inhaling a little before moving and kissing her on the lips. I wasn't sure but i'm pretty sure there was tongue in it and when they didn't stop kissing I couldn't help but start to cry.


Aaron's POV ♥
I was walking around the house, not sure why I was here when I felt it. Kaye Laini's mood came rushing towards me. I knew she wasn't with Carson.
"Kaye Laini" I put my hand on her shoulder. She spun around. "Whats wrong?" She let out a sob before burying her face in my chest. Even though she was crying It felt nice to have her close. "Tell Me whats wrong Please" I slowly wrap my arms around her, the warm spark like feeling spread through me.
"Look in the kitchen" she lifted her head long enough just to say those words. I peeked inside the kitchen to see Carson pushing Kelsi up onto the counter. Her shirts gone, his pants un-done.
"There still at it aren't they." I look back down to Kaye Laini, Her green eyes wide and wet. I nod and steer her away from the kitchen.

Carson's POV
It had been so long since i had been with a human that it was hard to stop kissing Kelsi. I could feel her heart beat under my hands. It was like the first time me and Kaye Laini had gotten together. Didn't want to stop, needed more. Me and Kelsi stumbled out of the kitchen and up some stairs. I didn't know where we were going but I hoped it was far away from everyone else. Before I bit her we got fully undressed, she had a nice body for a human. I bit into her neck as we began doing something i had only ever done with 2 other people.

Kaye Laini's POV
I sat on the bed in the spare bedroom. Aaron had his arm around me.
"Thank you" I whispered as he handed me another tissue.
"No Problem"
Aaron was trieing to act all bad boy-ish but he was failing. You could tell he cared, really cared.
"I wish I could pick you." I tell him.
"I know if i dont pick Carson, she'll hurt me" I shouldnt tell him these things but there the truth.
"I dont understand"
"You dont have to. Just know I wish I could be with you." I stand.
"Where are you going."
"My room. I need to be alone." I kiss him lightly on the cheek and head out of the room and up stairs to my attic room. Before I reached the top of the stairs i could smell blood and when i got to the top i froze. Carson and Kelsi were in my bed, doing so much more then kissing.

Aarons POV ♥
I had been sitting there, feeling numb. Why couldn't she be with me? I treated her better, I was the one. Not him, his lying ways have always hurt me, making me seem like the bad guy.
Betrayal, Worthless, Sadness, and Hate were all moods that came tumbling towards me.
I jumped up and ran to Kaye Laini.
"Whats Wrong Now?"
She didn't need to say a word, he eyes said it all. Carson and Kelsi went the whole 9 yards.

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