Chapter 23

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Me and Lilly sat there for hours, talking and watching Aaron.

"Do you spend a lot of time here" Shes asks as the sun slowly sets.

"Everyday" I sigh, glancing at the pile of flowers.

"I feel bad for you, You finally end it with Carson and Aaron ends up in a Coma"

"You shouldn't" I fidget in my seat "I mean, this is fate right? This is how things are supposed to be"

"Kaye Laini, Dont Say that"

"Visting Hours are over" The nurse calls from the door.

"Okay. I'll be out in a minute."

"Bye Aaron," Lilly squeezes his hand before walking out of the room.

I Stand, Kissing his forehead before leaving the room.

"I love you Aaron" I tell him as I walk out, shutting the door behind me.

Kelsi's POV-

Taking a deep breath I Reach up and knock on Carson Anderson's door. Theres some shuffling and then the door swings open.

"Hullo" A very drunk carson says as he leans against the door frame.

"Uh, Hi"

"KELSI!" He suddenly yells, I jump back, He reaches foreward -to quick for me to get out of the way- wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into a big hug. "How have you been?" I peek over his shoulder, crinkling my nose at the dirty house behind him.

"I have something to tell you but I think I'll come back when your sober."

"Sober?" He Laughs "I havent been sober in a long time so tell me."

"I'm Pregnant" I hold my breath.

"Oh wow." He takes a deep breath "I need to go"

And with that he swings the door close and theres a large slam.

Kaye Laini-

"Moring Aaron" I laugh at myself as I toss down another fake flower.

I take my seat and grab his hand, my heart filling with joy as he squeezes my hand back.

"Aaron, Can you hear me?" Tears of joy begin to fall. "Nurse, He squeezed my hand" I smile as she comes into to check on him.

"He spent all night sighing, problay waiting for you to come back" She writes something on her clipboard then turns to me "It shouldnt be to much longer"

She walks to the door and steps, out only to step right back in.

"Theres a young man out here"

"Who?" I frown

"He looks a lot like Aaron"

I stomp my foot and make my way towards the door

"What are you doing here?" I Whisper-shout at Carson as I stand outside Aarons room, my hand on the door knob, holding it closed.

"I recently had a breakthrough and I'm changing my life now starting with saying sorry to my brother" Carson is paler then ever, He even looks skinner, he has deffentily been having problems.

"Good luck with that" I bite my lip, trying to hold back the tears.


"He's in a Coma, You put him in a COMA!" The tears fall freely now.

"I'll come back when he wakes up." He turns, slowly walking away.

"DOnt you have anything to say to me!" I yell no longer caring about the rest of the people around me.

"What would I say to you" He's suddenly in my face, pushing me into the wall. "You left me for my brother"

"You lied about being my soulmate, you killed my best friend, cheated on me with my cousin and you put my real soulmate in a coma" with each thing he did, I poke him in the chest. "Say your sorry, say you didnt mean it, Tell me why"

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