too late ✨

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Kal's screams are getting hoarser and hoarser, more desperate by every second that creeps by.

The Weapon is destroyed.

There is debris everywhere, shattered crystal cutting into Kal's palms, staining dull rainbow to washed-out violet.


A faint groan comes from beneath a massive crystal, and Kal's breath hitches.

His soulmate.

"Aurora? Stay still, im going to dig you out, okay? I love you."

He tries too mask his panic, but it fails miserably.

She could be dead.
She could be dead.
She could be dead.

"I love you. I'll be there soon. I love you."

He repeats those words, frantically digging in crystal, shredding his palms and tears running down his face.

This is his fault.

If he hadn't have left....

No time to think about that now. Just get to Aurora.

With a renewed sense of determination, he scrabbles against the crystal, and eventually, he reaches the bloodied face of his be'shmai.

"Aurora! Oh, thank g—"

And then he sees the massive crystal in the chest, and sees that she isn't breathing.

He is too late.

aurora rising one shots, volume two.Where stories live. Discover now