Hang on a second you just admitted to being a killer

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Wednesday morning:

(8:03) Padfoot: So I've just realised I know nothing about you best friend

(10:07) Moony: What would you like to know?

(10:15) Padfoot: You answered! Finally
(10:15) Padfoot: Well for starters!
(10:16) Padfoot: Are you a she
(10:16) Padfoot: Or a him
(10:16) Padfoot Or a they
(10:17) Padfoot: Or a them

(10:17) Moony: Male

(10:17) Padfoot: Or neither
(10:17) Padfoot: Or both

(10:17) Moony: A MALE!!!

(10:18) Padfoot: Oh!
(10:18) Padfoot: Well I had more options, are you sure?

(10:18) Moony: Yes, affirmative

(10:19) Padfoot: Nice nice
(10:20) Padfoot: I'm a male too
(10:20) Padfoot: Thanks for asking...
(10:20) Padfoot: Once again

(10:20) Moony: Nice nice

(10:21) Padfoot: Ok next question

(10:21) Moony: Yes

(10:21) Padfoot: How old are you?
(10:22) Padfoot: Because it's just occurred to me that if I'm talking to a 12 year old that is very much not ok
(10:24) Padfoot: Oh no! You're 12 aren't you?

(10:25) Moony: Well not to worry I am not 12
(10:26) Moony: 17 in fact

(10:27) Padfoot: Oh phew
(10:27) Padfoot: Had me nervous for a bit there Moony

(10:28) Moony: How old are you Padfoot?
(10:28) Moony: Hopefully not 12

(10:29) Padfoot: Finally a question!
(10:30) Padfoot: I'd like to assure you that I too am the age of 17

(10:30) Moony: Nice nice

(10:31) Padfoot: This is just getting patronising now isn't it?

(10:32) Moony: The joy of homeschooling

(10:33) Padfoot: Well I mean you're already my best friend
(10:33) Padfoot: So you must be alright at it

(10:35) Moony: I thought Prongs was your best friend

(10:35) Padfoot: Nah his annoying
(10:35) Padfoot: And stupid
(10:36) Padfoot: And happens to be my brother

(10:36) Moony: So you get along?

(10:36) Padfoot: Yep couldn't live without him
(10:37) Padfoot: Even though I want to kill him sometimes

(10:39) Moony: Trust me, take any friends you can get

(10:40) Padfoot: Awww Moony does that mean you'd take me?!
(10:41) Padfoot: Eyelash batting

(10:41) Moony: Fine

(10:42) Padfoot: YESSS
(10:42) Padfoot: I've done it
(10:42) Padfoot: Moony has admitted to being my best friend

(10:43) Moony: I wouldn't go as far as BEST friend
(10:43) Moony: I barely know you

(10:43) Padfoot: Easy fix
(10:44) Padfoot: Ask away BEST FRIEND

(10:44) Moony: Height?

(10:46) Padfoot: 5"11
(10:46) Padfoot: Basically 6 foot
(10:47) Padfoot: If you ask me

(10:47) Moony: I'm taller

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