Of course after all you are my brave beautiful boyfriend

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(10:41) Moony: I hate you

(10:43) Padfoot: WHAT?! Excuse me? Why do you hate me

(10:44) Moony: Because you're Prongs or Wormtail or both

(10:47) Padfoot: What? No Moony it's not them

(10:48) Moony: And now you insult me by assuming I'm stupid enough to fall for that

(10:53) Padfoot: Umm why would you think that though?

(10:54) Moony: Well for starters you're not very good at pretending you know what you're talking about

(10:57) Padfoot: Ok to be fair, it's hard keeping up with your conversations! We thought the tree trunk thing was a metaphor!

(10:57) Moony: A metaphor for what?
(10:58) Moony: Wait never mind

(10:58) Padfoot: We could happily explain it to you if you'd like

(10:59) Moony: Nope I'm pretty sure I get it now

(10:59) Padfoot: Well you could understand our confusion then!!

(11:00) Moony: I thought this whole stealing Padfoots phone was a one off thing now I'm going to be paranoid forever

(11:00) Padfoot: Only when he is keeping things from us!

(11:01) Moony: Like someone's personal love life

(11:01) Padfoot: But he usually tells us everything about anything

(11:02) Moony: Probably because he likes to talk a lot

(11:02) Padfoot: That's a good point. Well either way we had to take matters into our own hands

(11:03) Moony: So instead of texting me like a regular person you decided to sneak your way onto Padfoots phone?

(11:05) Padfoot: Well I did text you first... kinda
(11:05) Padfoot: Also, normal is wayyyy overrated

(11:06) Moony: You are the only people I know who think that

(11:06) Padfoot: Well you need to meet cooler people then
(11:06) Padfoot: Because normal is always overrated!!

(11:07) Moony: Wow and here I was thinking normal was a guide line

(11:07) Padfoot: Umm no! Never

(11:08) Moony: So if you guys have been the ones texting me this whole time where is Padfoot?

(11:08) Padfoot: Oh
(11:08) Padfoot: His actually in class today
(11:08) Padfoot: We took his phone and then purposely got sent to the infirmary
(11:09) Padfoot: Like geniuses

(11:09) Moony: Well I don't know about genius
(11:09) Moony: How did you guys get sent to the infirmary?

(11:10) Padfoot: Oh that part was easy
(11:10) Padfoot: We just jinxed each other

(11:11) Moony: I'm surprised you guys haven't managed to kill each other yet

(11:11) Padfoot: Hmm not yet

(11:12) Moony: Well that wasn't very reassuring

(11:12) Padfoot: ...
(11:12) Padfoot: Were we meant to be reassuring you?

(11:13) Moony: At this point I don't even know
(11:13) Moony: Wanna make a bet?

(11:13) Padfoot: We're definitely intrigued in this bet yes

(11:14) Moony: I'm betting something, I'm not sure yet, that Padfoot will find a way into the infirmary in 30 minutes

(11:14) Padfoot: We are intrigued
(11:16) Padfoot: After some thought we've decided to take you up on the bet
(11:16) Padfoot: We think it will take him 27 mins

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