Mischeif managed

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Thursday Morning:

(11:09) Moony: Hmmm what's something really evil?

(11:10) Padfoot: Slytherins

(11:10) Moony: Haha now we're talking
(11:10) Moony: How shall we include Slytherins in this epic punishment

(11:11) Padfoot: My shitty family is in slytherin so it could be something to do with that?

(11:11) Moony: Ooo yes
(11:12) Moony: You don't talk about your family much do you see them often?

(11:15) Padfoot: Only when I don't have a choice
(11:15) Padfoot: I mostly consider the gryfindors to be my family

(11:16) Moony: Home is where the heart rests
(11:16) Moony: Most parents suck

(11:17) Padfoot: Prongs don't
(11:17) Padfoot: Mine absolutely do though
(11:17) Padfoot: You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but do yours?

(11:18) Moony: Very much

(11:18) Padfoot: Oh, I'm sorry about that

(11:19) Moony: I'm sorry you have to put up with ridiculous parents too

(11:19) Padfoot: Thank you Moony, means a lot. We can deal with them together?

(11:19) Moony: I'm in

(11:20) Padfoot: I've got to go now, but remember you can always, always talk to me x

(11:20) Moony: Same here, ttyl


Thursday Afternoon

(1:57) Padfoot: Moony, hello!

(1:59) Moony: Hello, is this the real Padfoot?

(2:01) Padfoot: It is this time yes!!

(2:02) Moony: Just to double check I have a question.
(2:03) Moony: What colour are my eyes?

(2:04) Padfoot: Well they aren't a singular colour really. I suppose a plebeian could classify them as hazel
(2:04) Padfoot: But they aren't really, they have some dark green in it, some amber brown and basically the whole bloody forest

(2:05) Moony: Congratulations you have passed the test, with a lot more detail then I expected
(2:05) Moony: How have you been?

(2:06) Padfoot: Moony, you asked me a very important question, of course I was going to be detailed!
(2:06) Padfoot: I'm alright thank you, a little peeved at Prongs and Wormy cause they're both prats, but ok
(2:07) Padfoot: How about you?

(2:07) Moony: I've been alright, and how have Prongs and Wormy been prats today
(2:07) Moony: If its bad we can add it to the reasons to torture them

(2:08) Padfoot: Well, I might still be a little annoyed for the whole steal my phone and message you as me thing. They seem to think it's hilarious and now want your number so they don't have to steal my phone "next time"
(2:08) Padfoot: Just being annoying shits teasing me I suppose. I mean I kinda deserve it after all the shite I give them, but Moony!
(2:09) Padfoot: My poor pride is being ripped to shreds

(2:09) Moony: After or before we do that big prank on Slytherin we will get revenge on Prongs and Wormtail
(2:10) Moony: Also so there's not a next time we should make a code so we know it's the real us

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