Wow. See Moony I'm so impressive

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Saturday Morning

(9:12) Moony: Hey

(9:15) Padfoot: Morning!

(9:16) Moony: Morning, you know the call thing last night and how Prongs and Wormtail were there.

(9:17) Padfoot: I do, yes?

(9:18) Moony: You know how they said you were flirting and I was your boyfriend, are they just joking or did you tell them that.

(9:33) Padfoot: I mean yes and no?

(9:36) Moony: Ok. Umm what did you tell them then, I don't mind if you did just curious incase its a cover for something so I don't ruin it...

(9:37) Padfoot: I haven't ever said that you were my boyfriend they just got that out of stealing my phone and reading some texts, but the flirting part I might have told them... a little bit?

(9:40) Moony: Ok cool, none of them were lies I have to play along with.

(9:41) Padfoot: What?

(9:42) Moony: I originally asked to see if you had told them something that wasn't true and if I had to play along with it.

(9:43) Padfoot: Oh right, well no they weren't

(9:44) Moony: Ok

(9:45) Padfoot: Should they have been?

(9:46) Moony: No
(9:47) Moony: Although a little upset the boyfriend parts not true

(9:49) Padfoot: Well I can definitely change that

(9:49) Moony: I don't doubt it

(9:50) Padfoot: About last night...

(9:50) Moony: Yes?

(9:51) Padfoot: Thanks a lot for calling, it meant a lot to me

(9:52) Moony: Anytime, I mean it

(9:53) Padfoot: Would you maybe want to call again without all the umm drama? One day?

(9:53) Moony: That sounds great

(9:54) Padfoot: Great!! Sorry about prongs and wormtail last night

(9:54) Moony: All good, you couldn't control their actions and they weren't that bad

(9:55) Padfoot: They were extremely embarrassing and you know it!

(9:55) Moony: Maybe
(9:55) Moony: I confess to nothing hehe

(9:56) Padfoot: Hmmm for some reason that's just not believable

(9:57) Moony: I don't see why...

(9:58) Padfoot: Sureeee you don't
(10:03) Padfoot: Ok Moony very Sirius question, beach or forest?

(10:05) Moony: Forest
(10:06) Moony: How about you?

(10:07) Padfoot: Hmm I can accept that
(10:07) Padfoot: Mine has to be beach though

(10:08) Moony: I guess the beach is alright, very open terrain.

(10:08) Padfoot: Ok, if you were any animal what would it be?

(10:09) Moony: I'm stuck with the wolf
(10:09) Moony: What would you be?

(10:10) Padfoot: Stuck with?
(10:11) Padfoot: And obviously a dog, they're close to being as cute as me

(10:12) Moony: Yea dogs are cute

(10:13) Padfoot: Moony! Did you just purposely ignore my cuteness?

(10:13) Moony: As the super strategic person I am, yes

(10:14) Padfoot: I am deeply offended
(10:14) Padfoot: You deserve to be punished for that

(10:15) Moony: I'm interested...
(10:15) Moony: How exactly do you plan to punish me

(10:16) Padfoot: Let me brainstorm, I did not think that far ahead
(10:17) Padfoot: I mean I can put you in time out? Or ban you from all your nerd stuff? I'll do something Moony!

(10:18) Moony: Nerd stuff? What do you think I do in my spare time haha

(10:18) Padfoot: I don't know actually, this is scandalous!
(10:18) Padfoot: Moony, why don't I know what you do in your spare time?!

(10:19) Moony: Because in my spare time I text you

(10:19) Padfoot: I'm truely honoured
(10:19) Padfoot: And proud to say when Prongs and Wormtail aren't being a nuisance then I'm texting you as well

(10:20) Moony: I'm honoured you're proud.

(10:21) Padfoot: Mhmm you should be!
(10:22) Padfoot: This is unfortunate timing but I really must go now! Prongs is going to kill me if I don't contribute to the prank

(10:22) Moony: Ok, tell me later what the prank was?

(10:22) Padfoot: Always Remmy, ttyl!

(10:23) Moony: ttyl


Saturday Lunch

(12:03) Padfoot: Ok Moony, quick question, what's worse
(12:03) Padfoot: Having a multitude of rats all in your bedroom
(12:03) Padfoot: Having itching powder in your bed
(12:03) Padfoot: Or
(12:04) Padfoot: Having your whole bedroom flooded?

(12:06) Moony: I'm gonna say itching powder, it has a longer affect

(12:08) Padfoot: Brilliant! Thanks love ttyl!

(12:08) Moony: Ok ttyl, don't do anything stupid


Saturday Night

(7:03) Padfoot: Ok first
(7:03) Padfoot: When have I ever done anything stupid
(7:03) Padfoot: Second (and choose wisely)
(7:04) Padfoot: Would you like to hear of our brilliant next prank
(7:04) Padfoot: OR
(7:05) Padfoot: Want to be properly involved?

(7:06) Moony: Yes, you have me intrigued.
(7:09) Moony: Tell me!

(7:11) Padfoot: Lovely! Ok I'm calling you?

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