If you choose another terrible name I'm breaking up with you

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(9:05) Padfoot: I'll surprise you then
(9:05) Padfoot: Alright, well I'm going to go work on that drawing right this moment love
(9:06) Padfoot: So in case I take a while, goodnight and thank you for facetiming it was perfect and eventful
(9:06) Padfoot: Goodnight xx

(9:06) Moony: Goodnight Pads, good luck with your drawing can't wait to see it


(12:03) Padfoot: I am back, I'm sure you're asleep and I hope this doesn't wake you up but wanted to give you an update! I've finished the outline for the drawing and some shading just need to fine tune it a bit more x

(7:15) Moony: Morning
(7:15) Moony: Send me the results when your finished :)

(7:49) Padfoot: Morning love
(7:50) Padfoot: You actually want to see it?

(7:50) Moony: Of course

(7:50) Padfoot: Oh
(7:51) Padfoot: Ok then! You'll be the first I show it to then Moons

(7:51) Moony: I'm even more excited

(7:52) Padfoot: You're so cute Moony. Sometimes it drives me insane

(7:52) Moony: Well lots of great artists are insane
(7:52) Moony: Your welcome

(7:53) Padfoot: Well that's comforting

(7:53) Moony: I'm glad :)

(7:54) Padfoot: So what did you get up to while I was gone Moons?

(7:54) Moony: Sleep
(7:54) Moony: How long were you working on your art?

(7:55) Padfoot: Did you have a good sleep? Dream of me? 😉
(7:55) Padfoot: I'm not sure how long, it was a while. I only stopped once Prongs came to drag me a way and I was at a good point to stop as well

(7:56) Moony: Well I'm glad you finished it and glad you gave yourself a break

(7:56) Padfoot: Thanks Moony, you'll be able to see it soonish

(7:56) Moony: I'm glad

(7:57) Padfoot: Making my day Moons
(7:57) Padfoot: What are you doing for the rest of the day?

(7:57) Moony: Nothing most likely, what about you

(7:58) Padfoot: Jamsie wants to go to Hogsmeade but other than that nothing

(7:58) Moony: Where in Hogsmeade

(7:59) Padfoot: Zonkos joke shop was one of the places he mentioned

(7:59) Moony: What's Zonkos?

(8:00) Padfoot: Oh my merlin, you've been missing out! I will have to take you there one day
(8:00) Padfoot: It's a joke shop, so it has numerous products that us other marauders use for all our pranks!!
(8:01) Padfoot: Like dungbombs for example

(8:01) Moony: Dungbombs?

(8:02) Padfoot: Yep! You throw them and then all this smelly, smoke stuff comes out

(8:02) Moony: Why would you want that?

(8:03) Padfoot: It stinks out the targets areas, so they have to leave, which means you get free range of doing whatever you want in there - perfect for Slytherin rooms and teachers rooms
(8:03) Padfoot: As a little bonus it also provides great cover for a quick escape

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