Chapter II: Ready Or Not

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Korea was shaken, the news that Wonho would leave his group was everywhere. Not only monbebes, but also other fandoms expressed themselves on Twitter, Instagram, Fancafe and among themselves, they were completely shocked and desolate by the news. The hashtags #원호탈퇴반대 (Against Wonho leaving) #WONPOCALYPSE #MonbebeAreStillHere #우리의_목소리가_너의_힘이_되길 (to our voices be your strength) were the most used worldwide, petitions were made with almost half million signatures, but that didn't matter, on October 31th of 2019, Wonho left the Monsta X with a squeeze in the heart for his friends and fans. He didn't want to leave them, but he was tired of watching them suffer and wear themselves out because of him.

Wonho went to his old home, where no matter how much he held back his tears, he collapsed as soon as he saw his mother, crying until he fell asleep. He spent about two days there, so that he could try to compose himself, after everything that had happened. It was good, he was with his mother, who supported him from the beginning, and his two cats, Pom and Yoreum. Taking care of his puppies and cleaning the house helped him a lot, so he could forget the chaos that was happening around him, at least for sometime. He couldn't do anything, just wait for the investigation to end and think what he would do from that moment on.

Two days became two weeks, so Wonho decided to return to his apartment, which he had just bought, weeks before everything collapsed. He felt lonely, and the place was too quiet what made him think a lot, and the more he reflected, the more he wanted to cry, it seemed like he was going deeper and deeper. He had lost his career, he would hardly see his friends again, he lost his fans and the love that surrounded him every day, he lost the life he fought so hard for, it was like it was the end ...

On a cold dawn, Wonho decided to take a walk. The city, oddly enough, was empty, with few people walking around, he put on a warm black suit, a cap, a mask and went out, God knows where, praying that no one would recognize him. After running for a few minutes, he remembered that there was a park nearby, Cheongdam, and decided to enter, however, it was relatively dark. He walked for a few more minutes, and as soon as he felt he was far enough, he sat down on one of the benches, taking off his mask and unlocking his phone to check his gallery: pictures of him with the boys, among some selcas where he was alone. He took a deep breath and held back the tears that were about to fall from his face, he couldn't suffer from that forever. As soon as he turned off his cell phone, it vibrated almost instantly and two notifications appeared, one from his manager and another from his group with the boys. Yes, Wonho was still in the group, he didn't have the courage to leave, and less to face his friends. He first clicked on the Starship representative, and the message said: "Dear Wonho, we spoke to the police and they said they were doing their best to solve everything as quickly as possible. I'm sorry that things have taken this course, thank you very much for all your effort and service. I'll be in touch soon with more news, please hold on. "

- There's nothing I can do... - he whispered.

He took a deep breath, he was about to click on the group's message, when a private message appeared, it was Shownu: "We'll do our best on this comeback to make you proud, Wonho! How are things? Hold on, brother, I miss you "

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He took a deep breath, he was about to click on the group's message, when a private message appeared, it was Shownu: "We'll do our best on this comeback to make you proud, Wonho! How are things? Hold on, brother, I miss you ". Almost instantly a tear fell and Wonho gave a silly smile, then replied: "Time seems to pass slowly, but I'm fine. Please, hyung, take care of your health and go get some rest". "You too, don't worry, things will work out", Shownu replied, sending a picture of a bear with a heart, which made Wonho smile a second time. He turned off the phone again, but this time he heard a noise among the plants. He promptly got up and tried to pick up where the sound was coming from (sometimes he forgets that he is not a rabbit), and before anything came up, he hurriedly left, leaving the park as soon as possible. Wonho ran without looking back, turned a few streets and when he felt safe enough to stop, he looked back to arrive if no one had followed him, and fortunately, that was the case. He was breathing heavily, but kept walking, instead of leaning against any corner and resting, he was sweaty. After walking for a few meters and taking off his hat to touch his hair, which was soaked after the run, he felt something strange and decided to check his surroundings. As soon as he checked his right side he realized what was wrong, it was him. Wrong place, wrong time, Wonho was nowhere but in front of the Starship building, which made him freeze for a minute. He looked down at the building and exhaled deeply. He had no time to reflect on anything because he heard another noise, which appeared to be a car approaching. He hid behind a pillar nearby and waited for the car to pass, but it stopped right in front of the company, and Kihyun came out of the building, and like always greeted the driver and got into the car in silence. However, Wonho heard some yelling inside the car, what probably mean that Minhyuk was certainly there, trying to cheer the boys up as always, no matter how exhausted he is. The two probably went to the dormitory, it was quite late and they were barely asleep ... I mean, as idols the seven were always barely asleep, and thinking about it squeezed the bunny's heart who watched everything in silence with an inverted smile. As soon as the boys left, Wonho left his "hiding place" and went to the middle of the street, watching the car leaving that place. He felt bad, he felt useless and lost, without a purpose or a future, he felt like no one, and completely alone.

Negative thoughts were dominating his mind and squeezing his heart more and more, losing everything he had, seeing his best friends suffer and the disappointment in his fans letters. Besides, the hate of society and all of this because of rumors... it hurts too much. The price he paid for fake news that spread in a blink was too high, and this exile seemed to be endless. He decided to run again, to try to clear his mind and get rid of all those thoughts, and ended up stopping at the Yeongdong bridge. He was in the middle of the road, but since that morning everything was quite empty, he didn't need to worry about cars or any vehicle. He came near the windbreak, looked at the waves under the bridge. He had lost everything, nothing else mattered, and the idea of disappearing didn't seem so bad. Wonho is gone, forever.

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