Chapter IV: By My Side

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At two o'clock in the afternoon, the boys started to wake up, they were exhausted after all the bustle of the morning. Kihyun had already made lunch and started teasing Hyungwon, the only one who was still lying down. As soon as Shownu smelled the steak on the table, he jumped off the couch, he was hungry. The six got together.

- Where's Wonho hyung? - Changkyun asked.

- He must be sleeping, can you go wake him up, Hyungwon? - Kihyun said.

- Sure. - ele respondeu com uma voz rouca, ainda estava sonolento.

Hyungwon went to Wonho's room, staggering a little, and when he opened the door, no one was there. Startled, he opened his eyes wide and went quickly to the bathroom, but the door was open and the room was empty. In a blink, Hyungwon went back to the living room.

- He's not there.

- What do you mean? - Minhyuk asked and Shownu's eyes got wide open, making him stop eating.

- He's gone, he's neither in the bedroom nor in the bathroom.

- Are you sure? - Kihyun asked, again.

- I checked everything, he's not here.

In a millisecond, Jooheon took his cell phone and started calling Wonho, but no one answered, it was when they heard a noise coming from their best friend's room. Minhyuk ran after the sound, returning with a cell phone in hands.

- He left his phone...

- So what do we do? - Changkyun was worried.

- Leave everything the way it is now, we'll go after him. - Kihyun decided.

- But we don't even know where he can be. And... it's morning. - Hyungwon said.

- So...? - Kihyun answered, in debauchery.

- I think he's afraid or us being recognized in the streets. - Minhyuk explained.

- Get your stuff and let's go, Kihyun is right, who knows what could've happened to Wonho. - Shownu said with his mouth empty of food, he was still chewing.

Everyone ran to get their coats and were about to cross the door when it suddenly opened. It was Wonho. As soon as he entered the house, he got shocked by the petrified way his brothers were looking at him.

- What happened? It seems like y'all saw a ghost... - he said.

- It's actually quite possible... - Minhyuk tried to make a joke, but Kihyun stepped on his foot harshly. - Ouch!

- Are you okay, hyung? - Jooheon took a step closer to his friend, putting his hand in his forehead to see if he was sick or something. At this same time, Minhyuk was about to answer him because he thought Joohoney was talking to him, but as soon as he realized it was about Wonho, she shut his mouth.

- What? Yea, yea, I'm good.

- Are you sure? - Shownu said.

- Yes, I am. Are you guys ok? - Wonho disse, laughing.

- After yesterday... - Changkyun was about to say something, but Hyungwon scolded him with his eyes and he shut up.

- How do you feel? - Kihyun asked.

- Oh, God, can you please stop asking that? I'm fine. I know you guys may be worried because of yesterday, but trust me, that won't happen again.

- Truly? - Minhyuk said. Wonho agreed with his head, smiling with his mouth closed.

- And... - he bowed. - I want to apologize for all the problems I caused, I promise that I'll try to not be a burden to you anymore.

- A burden? - the six spoke to themselves, in unison.

- Wonho, you are not a burden. - Kihyun started.

- Yeah, we're happy to be able to help you, after all, we're your family, aren't we? - Changkyun said, and everyone else agreed.

- You can count on us whenever you need. - Minhyuk spoke up.

- We are here with you and for you. - Jooheon completed.

Wonho, still bent over, started to cry, even though he didn't want to do that at that moment.

- Hey... - Hyungwon approached his best friend, bending down, and then lifted his chin with his index finger. - It's okay, you don't need to be like this.

As soon as Hyungwon made Wonho get up, he pulled him into a hug, and the rest of Monsta X followed him in the gesture. They spent the afternoon together, watching tv and at night decided to have a meal together before the boys returned to the dorm.

- So, what are we gonna eat? - Jooheon asked.

- What do y'all wanna eat? - Kihyun said.

- Meat sounds good for me and I bet for Shownu hyung too, right? - Changkyun answered and Shownu simply smiled and agreed with that decision, he seemed happy to eat meat after a long day.

- For God's sake, we ate that for lunch. - Hyungwon said. - Can't you think of anything else?

Kihyun began to smile.

- No, no and NO, we're not eating chicken. - Minhyuk almost yelled, what made Kihyun sad, he loves chicken.

- Since we're at Wonho's place, wouldn't it be right if he decided? Like, we're the ones who chose what we would have for lunch. - Jooheon gave his opinion.

- True, hyung, you're right. - I.M agreed.

- If y'all agree, we already know what we're having for dinner. - Minhyuk said.

- Is that what we're thinking, Wonho? - Hyungwon asked. Wonho confirmed with his head.

- Ramen! - everyone shouted together in unison and then started laughing.

The seven decided to cook. Actually, only Kihyun and Shownu cooked while the others continued to watch television. Thirty minutes had passed before everything was ready and the seven were eating. After dinner Hyungwon washed the dishes, Jooheon wiped them and Minhyuk put them all in the cupboard while I.M set the table, keeping everything organized. They picked up their things and said goodbye to their best friend, then went back to the dormitory.

As soon as the door was closed, Wonho, leaning against it, crawled to the floor and inhaled and exhaled deeply.

- It seems like I have a long way to go... again.

Losing Me Is Better Than Losing You (English version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن