Chapter V: Carry On

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It was morning, but it was quite cold and the sun was hiding behind the clouds. Wonho was standing in front of the door, barely able to sleep thinking about today. Inhale ... Exhale. He took courage and left the apartment, towards his destination.

It didn't take long before he got to the Starship, luckily the boys never arrived, much less the press was there. He parked nearby and entered the place, going to the office of his ex-manager, who luckily had already arrived. He greeted him and quickly started the matter.

- You know why I'm here, right?

- You should've called me before, you can't be here without telling me first, imagine if the press was outside and...

- But they weren't. Look, I know the danger and I'm taking as much care as possible. Can we talk about what really matters?

- Sure, you want to talk about your career, right?

- Yes, last time we talked you said that was kinda improbable for me to come back as a solo artist, but you didn't say anything about musical producer.

- So you are not here because of the solo career?

- I'd love to, you know I would, but I don't think now is the right moment for me, and neither do you.

- Good that you understand.

- But what if I restart my career, this time as a producer?

- I don't know... people would recognize you bu your name.

- They would, IF I keep my name. - Wonho emphasized the conditional.

- Hmm... So you are proposing that you get your career back, I mean, your new career, as soon as possible and by other name?

- Yes.

- But... there's still your appearance.

- We don't need to use it.

- So you say... hide you completely?

- Exactly, something like a masked producer that no one has any idea of who it is.

- So you could begin producing some songs at home...

- Yes, I think so...

- The best thing is if no one sees you, things haven't calmed down , and on the other hand, writing songs at home can somehow distract you from everything that is happening...

- It sounds to be a good idea, but...

- What's wrong?

- My studio.

- Well... As you should not be going out now, exposing yourself around, it is best to do everything at home. Furthermore, since you left Monsta X, you should be aware that that studio no longer belongs to you...

Wonho froze for a few seconds, the chip had really fallen. He was alone, he was no longer part of the seven, now it was he who would take charge of everything, and he would have to work a thousand times harder than when he was in the company of the boys.

- Oh... I understand. - that was all he could say.

- Hmm... your idea seems interesting, I can show it to my superiors, they'll probably like it. You would produce Monsta X songs, right?

- Well, not exactly... If I had the opportunity, I would like to produce songs for every single group and artist Starship has.

- Every...

- Yup.

- Well, that's a big responsibility, you...

- I'm aware of that, but I would like to try it anyway.

Losing Me Is Better Than Losing You (English version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora