10 | Percy

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Percy's POV

1537 words

When I woke up that morning, I did not think I would be revealing myself to these mortal heroes. But there I was, sitting in Tony's living room—well, one of them—and watching the disaster scene in front of me.

"Holy Hell!! What the fuck!! You're telling me I got abducted by those things, and those things are from old Greek myths!!" shouted Tony.

"Not myths," I corrected.

"You're a god? But... I only believe in one God?"

"I'm a god, lowercase 'g'. You believe in an all-powerful being with an uppercase 'G'. My existence doesn't disprove your beliefs," I explained to Steve. "In fact, it's supporting evidence that your God can be real. If I can be real, no one can say He can't be real too."

"None of this makes sense," I heard Bruce mutter under his breath.

"Think of it this way," I said to Bruce, "Religions can be like... alternate realities. Multiple Earths, if you will. They can overlap each other, co-exist together, or influence each other, but it doesn't mean that one diminishes the probability that the other exists."

"Ok," Natasha cut in, "as much as I appreciate the philosophical discussion, can we move on to the threat? Who's Thoon, what's he to you, and why did he take Tony?"

"Ok, so Thoon is a giant. He was born of Gaea, Mother Earth, not a nice lady, and Tartarus, the guy who runs—or more accurately is—monster hell, he's definitely not a nice guy. Thoon was one of the giants made to defeat the Fates, also known as the Moirai. Apparently, he managed to return after our last war. I kinda had a hand in defeating Gaea, escaped the clutches of Tartarus, and then allied with Tartarus for the Razaeri Invasion. So Thoon is kinda pissed at me."

"So why don't you deal with it? Why are we being dragged into this mess?!" Clint accused. He seemed to be doing that a lot.

"If I could, I would. But someone *cough* Zeus *cough* made a bunch of *cough* stupid *cough* rules. They're known as the Ancient Laws and all gods, including myself and even the primordials, must obey them. I have some leniency because of one of my domains, but I'm still heavily restricted on what I can do since neither Olympus nor the Olympians are being directly targeted or threatened." I pointedly ignored the loud rumble of thunder outside as I spoke. It was amusing that everyone else looked to Thor. Thor only smiled and threw a knowing wink towards me.

"And what, exactly, are these domains?" asked Natasha.

I sighed but told her. "I'm the Olympian god of riptides, heroes, loyalty, respect, poison, and water molecules."

"So that's why you offered those creatures death by drowning or poison. But if you're a god, couldn't you just snap your fingers and kill them?" Tony was having a hard time coming to terms with this, I could tell, but at least he hadn't gone insane. Yet.

"Yes, those are my spheres of influence that I can control, which means I could kill them easily by those means. And speaking of spheres of influence, the ones I listed, though vast, are the powers I'm bound to. I can't just poof someone or something out of existence. At least, I don't think I can. I'm still new to being a god. I used to be a demigod. But anyway, the point is Thoon wants revenge, but he can't go after me directly and few monsters would dare attack me after my display of power in the Razaeri Invasion, so he's attacking mortals and demigods."

"So... what does that mean for us, Mr. Jackson? Lord Perseus?"

Peter was so quiet that I forgot he was there.

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