(3) Unspoken Confessions (Angst)

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A/N: Hi! This chapter was my attempt at angst

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A/N: Hi! This chapter was my attempt at angst. There isn't anything too heavy, but if grief or loss triggers you, here is your warning.

I also haven't edited this yet so its not perfect.
Summary: Carmen is hospitalized and Ivy is there with her, never leaving her side.

❥Ivy POV

Carmen Sandiego was the type of woman one never forgot. You're interaction with her could've lasted less than a split second, yet the lady in red would forever remain somewhere on your mind. She was always so confident, so sure of herself, and without a doubt the strongest person Ivy had ever known.

So when she saw Carmen in that hospital bed, beaten, bruised, and unconcious, her usually flawless brown skin sickly paled, her heart turned to lead. It dropped like a sledgehammer at the sight of their fearless leader, or, to Ivy, the woman she loved, and crushed her.

Carmen had close calls with death practically on the daily basis, but this....

This made it real. The danger, the lies, the loss. It had finally caught up to her.

Ivy's face was swollen with all the hot tears that were running down her freckled cheeks, dark brushes of gray settling under her eyes from all the sleepless nights she'd spent by Carmen's side. It had been two days and she still hadn't been able to stop crying, the reality of losing het too much to bear.

It felt like someone had pointed a gun at her heart and was repeatedly firing bullets, never ever running out because as long as her Carm was hurting, she was too.

"Please." She whispered aloud, reaching for the thief's hand. Her skin was cold, lifeless, the blood just barely pumping through her. Ivy began to rub her pale finger's along the Latina's own, trying to massage life back into them, back into her.

One of her tear drops trickled down the side of her face, landing with a small 'plop' on Carmen's arm, which was covering with bruises and cuts not only from her injuries but also from Ivy lines.

"Please wake up, Carm..."

A memory from not too long ago emerged in the redhead's mind.

They were in Havana, Cuba at a secret beach Carmen had found the other day. The sun was setting, painting the sky the most beautiful gradient of orange and pink and purple. Everything was washed in a golden glow

"It's beautiful" The Latina had remarked, turning to the golden orb at the horizon. The light warped around her body like a halo, a tiniest sparkle glimmering in her stormy gray eyes. It brushed the slope of her nose and the gentle curve of her lips, illuminating her like she was a goddess. Her mouth had quirked up ever so slightly with a smile, and the wind ruffled the lose strands of her hair.

Ivy had been speechless in that moment. It would've been the perfect time to confess, to own up to how she felt. And yet? She'd stayed silent like a coward.

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