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wicked borrows
but does not pay back,


is generous
and gives"🥀


My Mom needs a big favor, but this is  beyond anything she's ever asked of me before.

I come from more than just a middle-class family. However, it seems status and keeping up appearances like the "Kardashians" is all my family cares about. My mother is a drunk and totally oblivious to anything outside the bottle and my other mother rules by fear rather than love. While on my summer break from college, comes life at home, or so I thought. Little did I know my life was about to change, FOREVER!

Mom has some news that I didn't see coming. How can a woman that should be protecting me, basically sold me to her much younger boss?

Mom's devilish Brazilian Mafia Mob boss, made it clear, he is in control, and my submission is expected.

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To Be Continue.......

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THE DEBT:Commitment, Family, Loyalty and Love"(18+/BWWM) ( Updates Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now