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I let her go with a small smile plastered on my face and collected my belongings. I slung my Gucci backpack over my shoulders and took hold of my pink Louis Vuitton case handle, ready to drag it along behind me.

"Bye, Nova."

She waved. "Talk soon."

And with that, I was leaving my dorm. A wave of sadness washed over me as I tried not to think about the fact that I was leaving the safest place I had ever been and was returning to my place under my mother's thumb. My green-hazel eyes began to sting as tears welled into them. I refused to let them fall and sniffed and wiped my nose to try and stop the torrent.

My mother's 2022 Maserati Levante SUV was parked in the road, her right-side tires up on the curb. Flapping in the wind, trapped between her windscreen wiper and her windscreen, was an orange and white piece of paper.

"No!" My mother yelled. "This is not fucking happening right now."

I walked behind her as she approached the SUV and walked around to the driver's side. Angrily fingers pried. The orange and white paper from her screen and her dark brown eyes scanned it quickly.

"The orange/white paper read: N.Y.C DEPT OF FINANCE PARKING VIOLATIONS."

"What a complete fucking mess," my mother shouted. She shoved the ticket inside her pocket and unlocked the SUV. "Get in."

I piled my pink Louis Vuitton suitcase, and Gucci backpack into the backseat and hopped into the front, closing the door gently behind me. I strapped myself in and looked over to my mother's face. An infuriated thunderous expression of rage was etched into her skin. I could almost see a red aura of hatred pulsing around her body. The heat of her anger seemed to be steaming the damn windows on her side of the SUV. I shrank down into my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to think of cheery thoughts. Instead, I could only concentrate on how awful my fucking summer would be. I'd had a taste of freedom. How could I go back after that? 

The restaurant around us was basically empty. A couple at four tables away, holding hands and whispering into each other's ears. An elderly group of women were near the kitchen, laughing and drinking red wine. I was sat across from my mother, her face stony and her dark brown eyes looking down at the menu resting on her plate. She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she read each item, nodding, or murmuring to herself. I saw myself reflected in her face and my stomach turned over in disgust. We had the same features almost exactly--- the same nose, the same smile, the same forehead--- the only difference was I had my other mother Nicole's same green-hazel eyes, same full small plump lips, and skin tone. But also, I was the perfect combination of both my mothers.

I tried to keep myself quiet as I glanced around the room. The walls were covered in amazing abstract oil paintings of food and landscapes and animals, the tables were covered in white tablecloths and matching napkins, and the wait staff were wearing white shirts, pressed perfectly, with black trousers and shining black shoes. Everything about the Le Bernardin seafood restaurant screamed affluence.

That fact alone made uncomfortable, and that's without mentioning my mother's presence.

The car ride there had been deathly silent, the only damn noise I heard was the gentle hum of the music playing on the car radio, and cars honking and revving around us. An to make matter's worst my mother's goddamn mood had not improved during the journey, either. She was sullen the entire way, sulking like a child as she meandered through the traffic with an angry frown on her face.

"Hello, and welcome to Le Bernardin."

"I will be your waiter for the evening."

"My name is Marco."

"What are you having?"

I looked at my mother, brought out of my own thoughts. "A salad." " A shrimp Caesar green goddess salad."

"Hm," she said.

"How about I give you guys, some more time I will come back." Marco the waiter said.

"Yes, that will be fine." mom said.

I waited for her to elaborate but she didn't. So, I turned my eyes down to the menu, pretending to look, as a tightness clamped around my heart.

How am I going to be able to survive the summer living at home? It's going to be hell.

I pondered on standing up and storming out of the restaurant without a word to my mother. It wasn't a good idea. Where would I go? I didn't have a car, or money, and without either of those I would have to walk back to school. And do what? Stay there for the summer? No, they wouldn't let me. I'd have to leave and then I would be homeless.

If only I could access the fifteen million dollars my Grandma Reina left me, I thought sadly. Then I'd be okay. I suppressed a sigh and began counting how many more days I had to wait until I turned twenty-one. Two years, six months, and ten days.


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Grandma Reina?

What you guys' think about Nova and Iyana friendship?

What are your guys' thoughts about how this lunch date with Victoria and Iyana will go with each other?

What are your guys' thoughts about Grandma Reina, leaving Iyana 15 million dollars? 

I hope you enjoy

To Be Continue.......

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