Chapter 3:Raven

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"Her name is Tara Angelora," James said casually.

I almost fell of the chair I was sitting on, and stared at him a little startled.

He looked back at me and was surprised by my sudden reaction.

"Tara Angelora?" I questioned, surely I heard him wrong.

"Yes," he said, "Why, what so special about the name?"

"Nothing, " I said dismissively, as I returned to my usual blank expression.

He was about it ask more but by the look I gave him, it was clear I didn't want to talk about it.

Not even my closest partner, James, knew about my family and my past. He certainly did not know that my real name was Maria Angelora and that my sister was a girl by the name of Tara.

That night I stayed up in a pathetic attempt to convince myself that this scrawny girl was not my sister but there were too many coincidences. Her hair and her eyes. The way she talked with a hidden and almost undetectably stubborn tone. But how?

When I left Corela,I left behind everything and just the thought that my past may have caught up to me made me uneasy.

With so many thoughts roaming my head I slowly drifted to a nightmare of a sleep.

"Mom, can I please have the yellow one? "a little girl with dark curly hair and almond brown eyes questioned. She was undoubtedly Maria Angelora.

"Of course, honey! "a tall middle-aged woman with neatly combed red hair and misty blue eyes spoke. She looked sweet and gently handed the girl a yellow  cookie.

A tall man suddenly entered through the door accompanied by a hearty laugh. He was obviously a mirror image of Maria and behind him a tiny little girl stood, her hand in her mouth and a doll in her other hand. Tara.

It looked like a happy family, everyone loved each other and everyone cared for the other.

But a few days later, everything changed...

A gruff man barged through the doors that day. He was short but muscular and held a knife behind him.

"Ronald, it's been days and I haven't seen a sign of the money that you owe me," he chanted aggressively.

Maria's father walked up to the man and softly spoke," I apologize but I just can't pay back yet..."

The man looked angry but then his eyes laid on the little toddler, Maria.

"Fine" he said, "if you can't payback, then I will just have to take that little girl and make her work for me to pay back the money you owe."

Mari's father looked petrified, he begged the man for just a little more time but it was no use, he was knocked unconscious and Maria was dragged away as a slave to work for the man.

She cried and wailed for her father, but he never came.

She slowly found a way to escape the clutched of the gruffy man but she was now in Elizia and not in Corela. She couldn't find her family, who seemed to have abandoned her. Her fear was then transformed to an anger. 

An anger on her parents for not searching for her and her mother and sister who were out in the market the day she was taken away. Anger on her sister for living a better life then her. And an anger for the crown that did nothing to stop slavery. She was angry and she needed answer but innocence was misused in Elizia. 

She could not be innocent.

Raven was jolted awake. Cold sweat clutching her body. Just a dream she told herself , but it was no use. She already knew that even if it was just a dream, it was the truth.

The sad truth.

She slowly sat up in her bed, her eyes drifting across her dim lit room, a half-melted candle by her cot and a desk piled with parchment and ink.

She may have tried to forget about her family but it was too hard, just too hard to forget.

And now, when she finally managed to conceal her terrible past, she  came by.

She tore at the wounds that Raven tried so hard to heal. She came and opened  the old wounds that Raven desperately tried to conceal.She was making Raven look weak.


She could order the girl to leave but then the rest of the members would have questions.Questions she did not want to answer.

She could kill her...

Kill her? No, raven may hate her family but she would never let her blood spill.

Not ever, not again.

She would just have to forget that this girl would be her sister. Her sister, that she hasn't seen in years.

The only connection being their blood and nothing else.

She would just have to ignore that she was Tara.


A/N-If you guyz have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to comment below.

I will try by best to improve my writing!

Thank you!

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