Chapter 19: James

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I walked towards the centre of the camp again.After Tara abruptly ran away, I felt...different?

"You have feeling for her?" I heard a voice question.

I turn around to meet the piercing gaze of Sage- the master Reaper. 

I didn't answer, not because I hated him(that was only part of the reason) but also because I didn't know.

Do I like Tara?

No...maybe love her?

"Lets take a walk? I can show you around the camp," Sage gestured and I followed, not like I had anything better to do.Maybe this would stop me from drowning in my own thoughts.

W passed by the giant circle of fire, where most of the reapers where huddled together- trying to get the warmth- this is how it is during the start of winter all over the kingdom.What I failed to notice where the decorations that some of them were setting up.

"Do you know what the time is?" I asked casually- trying to break the ice.

"It is 9 in the night," he answered.

We have journeyed from the forest to the camp at around 6- it turned dark early because it was winter.That means, in a span of just 3 hours- we have got so many things going on.My head just hurt thinking about it all.

Raven's fight, Tara's cries, Sages's secrets and my confused feelings.

So many things were going on...

"I think we should all proceed to dinner, our camp is simple- just tents and tables- not much to explore..." Sage said in finality, after half an hour of aimless walking.

We slowly headed towards the tables set up for dinner- in complete silence.

My eyes quickly met Tara who only met my eyes once before quickly avoiding my gaze and walking forward.

Raven on the other hand had a sour scowl on her face- she looked like she wanted to kill someone.Her impact was enormous because the moment the crowd set eyes on her- they silenced-just following her moments, but they were interrupted by Sage's voice.

"Today, we shall celebrate Clamora with joy!" he bellowed in faked joy.The crowd cheered.

Clamora?Today was the day of Clamora- the huge festival celebrating the start of winter? I didn't even know.Raven and Tara looked equally shocked.

Before I could get a chance to talk to them , I was pulled into the crowd of dancing people. An old women escorted Tara and Raven out of the area before I could do anything- they were gone.

"Having fun?" a baritone voice questioned-Sage.

"I didn't know is was Clamora." I stated, I didn't really feel like celebrating.

"Do you know the best part of this celebration?" he questioned again, ignoring me.

 When I didn't answer he continued " Clamora in ancient Tagorie means 'forgetting the pains' so I suggest you enjoy and, forget all your worries! Just for tonight!"

I stared at him- was he drunk?

Before I could say more, he walked towards the dance floor- his face completely relaxed.

What just happened.And where are the girls?

As if I spoke out loud, they materialised into the crowd- dressed in beautiful gowns- embedded with gems that glisten under the moon light.

Raven disappeared as quickly as she came- the anger still visible, but Tara stayed behind- feeling awkward and out of place.

Her silky cherry hair styled into an intricate bun with loose curls falling down the side of her face.The minimal use of make up and her tight fitting gown- a beautiful shade of red,to match her hair- made her look ethereal in the dimly lit surroundings.

The moon light and tangled flames from the fire illuminating her face with a godly glow.Beautiful...

But she was distressed- its not like you can forget what happened just hours ago...

Forget.Maybe she could forget...

Coming closer to her, I whisper what Sage told me into her ear.The close proximity suddenly made me blush and her face mimicked.Her rosy cheeks turning a darker shade by the second as she avoided eye contact.

But before I could process it all, she walked towards the gang of maids on the other side and started chatting. Trying to free herself from the shackles of worry.When she looked back at me- I could see the thankfulness in her eyes.

The only women in the camp where the maids who cooked and cleaned- everyone else where rogue criminal men so it was hard for her to find company but these women seemed fine.

Some men lumbered over to me- a man named Carlos and Naga initiated talk and tonight felt lighter all of a sudden.

Maybe we could forget- at least for today.

I gazed at a smiling Tara on the other side of the celebration and it made me smile.

She forgot- for now.

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