Dark Passanger-Chapter 7

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Chris’ POV

I’m so happy she agreed to call me. I just want to hear her voice, because it is so soothing. I just want her to never stop talking. Her voice puts a cherry on top of her beauty. Damn, I still cannot believe this. That a beautiful girl like her would like an ugly ass guy like me.

I press call.

It takes 1 ring for her to answer. “Wazzzzupppp” I tell her, and start to laugh. “Chris, I’ve seen that video on YouTube if you forgot that it is on there”, she laughs. God, I love her giggle. It’s so god damn cute oh my god. Like I cannot wait to see her tomorrow when I pick her up. “I know it’s on YouTube,” I said, “Are you almost ready for tomorrow?” “I’ve been ready for about 10 minutes now. To be honest Chris, this chance comes once in a lifetime, I couldn’t pass it up for anything. By the way I’m jamming to The Divine Infection right now, my favorite part of that song is when you go, ‘Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can’t do or say no thanks fuck you’ I love that part so much since I literally used to scream that at people in college when they screamed emo slut at me. Their expression when I said it was hilarious.” “Hey Iv I got to go our set is on in one minute, I love you I’ll have someone record it for you okay?” “Okay, I love you too, talk to you later. Wait, how about you have your phone on Balz’ keyboard so that he can FaceTime me during your set?” “Fuck yeah!  Damn, you are one smart cookie there.” “Thank you see you in a minute byeeeee”

Ivy’s  POV

I get the call for him to FaceTime me, and he’s so cute on stage and Balz was making so many funny faces at me and I could not stop laughing at all. Ryan (Balz’ girlfriend) must be really lucky to have a hilarious boyfriend like that, but I have the best guy in the world J Chris Motionless. I could make a list about what I like about Chris, but that’s too much to talk about. Chris stops and yells into his microphone , “Guys, I  want to play a song for a special someone that is on FaceTime on Balz’ keyboard,” Chris grabs his phone and says, “On three you guys have to yell  hi Ivy, 1-2-3,” The crowd screams it so loud, I blushed and covered my face and then he look at his camera and blew me a kiss and I did it back. Damn, we are so cute lol. I can’t wait for tomorrow to see him, I don’t know how to tell him that I have a band (A/N: I do have a band lol. We are called Late to Your Own Funeral) I feel  he will make me go on stage with him so that we can sing a song together probably.

Peace Out Thug Pugs <3

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