Chapter 11-We Only Come Out At Night

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Chris' POV

"Babe, where are they?," I asked Ivy. She stares blankly into the distance as I am trying to talk to her with concern about my fellow bandmates and her. She seems really not herself. "Babe...," as I waved my hand in front of her face. She finally un-focused her gaze into the darkness, looked me straight into my eyes. "They are at my house...," she answered as a tear fell from the corner of her beautiful blue eyes. "This all my fault, I'm so sorry Chris... I'm sorry for all of this, she just wants me out of your life, and I'm causing all of this drama just because she does not want to see you with anyone else except her," I heard Ivy say as I shed a tear. How could she think this is her fault? "Ivy, listen to me, Sabrina is just looking for attention because she thinks she is everything that a guy wants, but the only guy that wants her is my enemy, Johnny Craig. I see now why they are fit for each other, they are both idiots who think hurting people is better than being kind, geniue people, like me and you are. I'm not going to loose such a beautiful girl like you to that bitch." She looks at me, then looks down and then back up at me. "I'm not going to let her take you away from me, we gotta fight back," she said looking at me with a tiny smirk of anger and wanting to kill someone at the same time. I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, and said, "come on, let's go crush a bitch and watch her whole entire life fall apart." "it's more like, let's cut a bitch," she said with a giggle.

I picked up my phone and called this hoe. "hello darling," she answered the phone with. "I just wanted to let you know that I am on my way to see you, and to give you Ivy because I still love you." I said that statement staring at Ivy. This was our plan, to make it seem like I still love Sabrina when I don't and for Ivy to kick her ass. Ivy smiled because she thinks my aggressiveness is adorable. "oh okay, I'll see you then babe...," Sabrina answered. "Bye bitch," I answered. "Are you kidd-," I hung up.

It's time to go fight a bitch :p

Sabrina's POV

I cannot believe him. He finally admits that he loves me. But he still has the hoe. He doesn't know that Johnny wants to kill him but I bet his bitch wants to kill me. 

cliffhanger- sorry peeps. but please comment to let me know what chris and ivy should do 

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