Synthetic Love-Chapter 2

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{Chris' POV}

We enter by the Fearless Records tent, we turn the corner. I saw the girl! I looked back at Ricky and he gave me a smirk. I looked right at her. She was talking to two other girls in the line. Then she looks at me. Our eyes locked on each other. After a few seconds she looked down and blushed. Ricky nudged me. After about 15 people, Josh was signing her poster. Then the rest, she got to Ricky and was talking to him about her friend Jay that's in love with him. Then she gets to me. "hey" "hi, Chris! your band is really awesome, i love you guys so much!" thanks." (A/N: the next things did actually happen to me when I met them.) I put my arms out to hug her. 

{Ivy's POV} 

He's putting his arms out to hug me. I badly wanted to hug him. But I didn't want to get banished from Warped and not see them play.there was a sign that said no hugs, no pictures and only one thing to sign. I pointed the sign, and he frowned. he took my hand and gave me a high five then held my hand. he handed me my poster and smiled at me. "see you guys when u play don't worry ill be in the front" then the two of us laughed then when i was about to leave, i yelled "i love you Chris" and  he blushed. 

{Chris' POV} 

We finished the meet and great. After about a couple of hours, it was time to go on stage. She was up at the barrier. We enter the stage play Devil's Night. She smiled when we played Devil's night. She was screaming the words to all the other songs. When we played Reincarnate, she was screaming the words that were from the teaser that we put up on YouTube. After we play Reincarnate, I start saying a speech about her.

{Ivy's POV} 

"This girl right here," then he points to me," is our biggest fan, I think we've ever had. I met her at the meet and great, and I love her more than any of you guys. There's something special about her. this song goes out to her. Love ya Ivy." Then he makes a heart with his hands. THEY PLAY MY FAVORITE SONG, IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION! OMFG.  Is this real life?

{Chris' POV} 

She started screaming the words. And i jumped onto the box and grabbed her hand. Sabrina just stared at me. After our set, Sabrina starts to yell at me. " Are you fucking kidding me! You dedicate a song to a bitvh tht likes your band and doesn't know you personally?!! You're an asshole." Then she storms away. GOD HELP! I'M IN LOVE WITH TWO GIRLS. HELP! I NEED TO DECIDE.

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