Chapter 9:Dead As Fuck

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Chris' POV

"babe..." Ivy says trying to fight tears coming out of those beautiful eyes of hers. "what's wrong?!" I say. "Ghost and Ryan aren't answering any of their calls, texts, tweets, or anything. I think Sabrina took them to take you away from you." "are you fucking kidding me?!?!? THAT BITCH NEEDS TO LEARN THAT FUCKING ME IS NOT OKAY AND ESPECIALLY NOT TO FUCK WITH ME AND MY GIRL, because you are my world, and I can't loose you."

Ivy's POV

"are you fucking kidding me?!?!? THAT BITCH NEEDS TO LEARN THAT FUCKING ME IS NOT OKAY AND ESPECIALLY NOT TO FUCK WITH ME AND MY GIRL, because you are my world, and I can't loose you." oh my god, he just did not say the sweetest thing in the world to me. I looked down and blushed, but she's a tear at the same time. Chris saw that I shed that one tear, he pulled over on the rode, and got out of the car, walked around and opened my side of the car's door. he pulled me up, and put his arms around my waist, and grabbed my face in his palms, and wiped all of the remaining tears away. "look at me beautiful." "I look up at his gorgeous pale skin. he pulled up his sunglasses, revealing his natural looks. "my beautiful girl, don't let that shit talking bitch and the sass talking that she does affect you. you are beautiful, and I'm never met someone, as gorgeous and as caring, kind, and funny as you are. I don't wanna loose you because you are the only girlfriend I've ever had that had shown me the world through a different pair of 'eyes'." he then kisses me, passionately. he has caught me in a vulnerable spot that makes me feel so broken, and quickly stitched me back up and makes sure it stays that way. I know that he will never hurt me, all he does is fix me.

Sabrina's POV

Christopher Cerulli calls me. "SABRINA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" "what do you mean sweetheart?" "don't act all flirty with me because I know that you took Ryan and Ghost. so don't try and pretend to act all innocent when we both know it's not gonna work on me." "well if you want them back, come fight me or even better, dump that piece of shit girlfriend you have." "I will never break up with her so you are going to be dead as fuck if you don't bring them back, or if you don't I will call the police and make sure you go to jail."

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