The young the bold and the brave

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Logans P.O.V.

The girl I am in love, with my best friend is running away,bolting faster than I have ever seen her,her brown hair fliping back looking like a brown fire.She must have heard our conversation about Scarletts friend and thought that it was her.Thomas keeps screaming but I know it's no use.The girl is the fastest runner in school and there is no way we will catch up with her.I am still sorta mad at her though,she is messing with Thomas,letting him sleep in her sleeping bag.He does not deserve her,but I guess I don't either."Shutup Thomas all you will do is get us killed." He glared at me and rolled his eyes,I don't care what he thinks for all I care he could die.Thomas then heard a noise and dashed off leaving Mike and me alone."So...I guess you and Thomas...y'all are fighting know." I turned to look at him and he obviously was feeling akward.I rolled my eyes and walked back to the cave not in the mood to be happy or be my usual self."Yes I like her,and don't be embarresed we all know you liked Skylar." His face turned bright red and he began to look at the floor. A small smile began to creep up on my mouth.As we reached the cave the teen we were going to leave popped out of the hole."What happend?" At the time when we where having the conversation she was sleeping,turns out she is a hevy sleeper."Kim left us." Ashley popped out her face was frightend. "Wait Kim left?" I nodded. She looked at me then Mike,she smiled and slowly walked out of the hole eyeing the open forest every few secounds.She dashed off into the woods, turning her back and never looking back I bolted off for her knowing Kim would kill me if she knew Ashley was dead,she can't lose another friend and it won't be my fault either. "Kim!" Ashley kept calling.I caught up easly and scooped her into my arms trying to keep her arms pinned down so she could not hurtt me."No let go of me...let go...LET GO!" Her arms flaired around trying to hit me and finnaly she punched my jaw witch came to a seering pain.I let her go from the pain and because I was tired of everyone pushing themselves away from me. Am I a monster?"Fine go get killed." I yelled at her,everyone is annoying and should all just die. She sat there with a confused face then finnaly sat and just staired at a flower.

She was sobbing too.

I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder feeling sympathy for her out of all my anger."She felt like a sister,you know?She was really nice and very special.I know you liked her and so does Thomas.It's just hard,being alone in this big place and I just want somebody.I am still a small girl." She cried and hugged herself. I can't stand this I need some time, to myself away from her THomas,Mike,Scarlett.All I wanted to see was Kim is afriad of me and probably hates me.As I climb up a tree I think of Kim again. It's something awful seeing her run away afraid of me. I love her. I really love her and she ran away from me as if I was a monster. She may not have liked me anyways,maybe she like Thomas."Kim...your the reason I still have hope to get out of this." I whispered hopeing she would be able to hear me.

Kims P.O.V.

I wake up to the pounding pain that throbs in the back of my head.Everything seems like a dream,blurred and my hearing seems to have dissapeared,nothing makes sense until I think back. Kim you are in the games,Thomas kissed you and so did Logan,you are hiding because they are trying to kill you,you do not trust them. I realize I am exposed to everyone and I need to find shelter quick before it's midnight.The sun is setting,giving an orange color to it instead of being yellow and it makes the sky go orange with pink for the clouds, I stare at it for quite some time when I snap back into reality,climbing a tree .My left ankle begins to hurt as I try to climb and put wheight on it.C'mon one more limb it's just sprained you baby, climb! I look up to see the sun orange and barely alive giving it a harder time for me to climb or to see.I look up to see a wide limb enough for me to sit on and put my bag in. As I position myself to get comfortable I pull up my pant leg to examine my ankle.Yep definetly not twisted,it's all black with red veins popping out.I gag at it and pull my pant leg down knowing if I looked at it again I might barf. The pain had turned from a ache to a on fire and unbearable pain.Think of something else anything. That voice was the same one that said my ankle was sprained.Ashley,I left Ashley. What about Mike? Why did I do this? Then something else pops up. Logan might kill Thomas. It might be a small chance but that chance can happen.Logan loves me but so does Thomas. Logan can get jealous easily,and Thomas can get him that way real easily.Now that I think about it Thomas did flirt with me a few times. But each time I gave him the same answer. No. Logan always was protective of me. I smile at the memory of me and him going to a horror movie with Ashley.I got scared until he held my hand and wraped his arm around me.His arm made me feel safe and warm and to not be afraid,he whispered almost at the end of the movie."I will always keep you safe no matter what,always." By the time that memory was over the sun was down and I was hungry. I searched in my bag and all I found was Katniss.I chew on that while I keep replaying the memory of me and Logan over and over."Attention all survivors this is Mr.Albreck we have decided to add a new rule there will be a certain amount of people aloud to live and until we get to that certain amount the games will go on." I clasp my hand over my mouth before anything comes out.Now instead of hiding and waiting the games out people are going to really try to kill people. My plan of trying to save poeple is definetly going to change.That's when I hear a scream.A girl scream and a lovely sound of a knife driving into someones flesh.No point in trying to get some sleep.More screams keep replying. Okay Kim ther is a killer out there go and find him and kill him. Stupid brain is trying to get me killed.Maybe if I set some limbs on fire I could run away and find some food and water.Water,I looked at my canteen and it was empty,empty to the botom and it just so happens I am alone and may never find water.Yay.


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