The Games Part 1

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Author here!! The games part 1 is the real thing and this is where they are about to send her off it will also have logans P.O.V.. I plan on this being a long chapter, comment if you like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Logans P.O.V.

I hated seeing Kim in so much pain or even seeing her in pain at all. The doctor said i could not visit her  not even talk to her. The few times she tried to escape her room i wanted to help her escape but i knew i would get in much more trouble,when she hugged me my heart exploded she was my best friend and it broke my heart pushing her away. As she looked at me everything stopped...and when i mean by everything I MEAN EVERYTHING! Her bright green eyes with specks of blue and gold looked at me as watery as the sea and she looked at me with no trust. I knew as i was pushing her our trust will be lost in shame and hatred.As I closed the door i ran outside unable to take it any longer.I thought about her and how i loved everything about her how she was not skinny but not overwhieght how she barely could tan,and her dark hair... and her eyes the eyes were the best thing about her. I would traid my sole to see her eyes. I thought about her and tears came to my eyes and slowly i cried myself to sleep.I woke up from my first dreamless night with my hair matted to my eyes and my whole body aching from laying on the ground. I keep thinking off how i have always had a crush on her but never had the gut to tell her... everything is just not working for me. I want to see her.

As i walk to the hospital once more my body screams in pain from laying in that position,as i finnaly reach the door a nurse comes to me and looks me straight in the eye."We want you to see her,please  come she has been screaming all night we are thinking it is another nightmare,when you go in her room don't tell her about the games even though it is today." The rest was tuned out because i tottally forgot about the games crap,crap,crap. As she unlocks the door to Kims door i hear screaming.When I walk in she looks awful her face is all in a worried position,she sweating like crazy,and she is completly pale.

"Kim." I say softly lightly touching her,instantley she grabbes my wrist and her eyes are bloodshot and is looking at me.

"Kim it is me Logan calm down." Her heart monitor began to slow down as she relaxed looking less tense then the moment before.I sat down beside her and wripped her hand off my wrist only hopeing it would make  her feel better."Sorry about that, even though technically you did act like a nurse not to long ago."Said Kim I looked at her at her hands ahd they started to clench up.

I grabbed hand and looked straight into her eyes."Kim I did not want to do that i am sorry i wish i would never had done that." She yanked her hand out of mine and looked away. "I wish i was dead already and get this over it is not like i am ever going to have a good life i am ugly and  fat i will never find love,I just wish i was dead." She looked at me with red eyes followed by the green in the middle.I could not take  it seeing her sad. I grabbed her hand,she looked at me and with that split secound i kissed her...

i kissed her then took off.

Kims P.O.V.

Logan just kissed me!! Why would he do that i thought we were friends? In the back of  my brain i hear something telling me "He has pity on you he just wanted you to feel better remeber, you are ugly." I nodd thinking to myself  what the back of my brain kept reminding me. Just pity, just pity. I looked around my room now just bored and saw a call nurse on the side of my bed i pushed the red button only hopeing it would make me feel better."This is the nurse how can i help you?" I opend my mouth not knowing what to say."I want to see Mike." Silence came back in the room and once again i was bored. I got up and moved the monitor around knowing the door was locked and looked at myself in the mirror. Yikes! I looked like a ugly monster my eyes were all bloodshot and i was pale as my dads beard.I went back to my bed and laid there hoping Mike would come.

Finnaly Mike came and he brought what he called a "guest".

It was toby, I got up and ran to Mike and hugged him as tight as i could,then fell to the floor and hugged toby who was as fuzzy as he could be and smelt like home.I got up and sat down on my bed toby hopped on and put his front lengs on my lap."Thank you mike so much for coming." He smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder."Anything for Little Kimmey." I smiled rembering when we were little he would call me Kimmey. I looked at him his eyes full of tears and he looked hurt from the inside remebering that ashley was dead. I hugged him crying with him because i lost my best friend and his girl he loved. "It is going to be okay i don't think she would have made it in the games." He looked at me with scared eyes and looked down."Um...speaking about the games they are today and you still have to be in it." I started freaking out until Mike grabbed my hands."Kim look at me you are stronger then this lets get out of this hospital,Logan needs youhe does not know how to fight we will work as a team and we will survive,Kim get a grip." 

I shook off my fear even though it was still there, I nodded  we got the nurse to take off everything i had in my arm.I changed into my old clothes and we left. I felt so releaved to be out of that hospital,until we got to the TRHC I backed a few steps away not knowing what is inside there.Chad grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye and we walked up up into the TRHC together.More people were there and all looked nervous but few i saw confidence maybe even overconfedence. He took me to a lady and murmured something into her ear. She noddded and pointed to another room.Toby was at my side and growled at the door,I touched his head showing it was okay and instantley he stopped and me and toby wallked alone.I went through a little shuttle and turned to see Mike I touched the little shuttle and he looked at me nodded he tried to say something but i could not hear.I started banging at the little shuttle and it slid into another room. I looked into the little room to see Mr.Albreck he looked at me and with his deep voice and said."This year we are going to test you with witch strengths you have such as a gun, bow and arrow,Climbing,Building,Survival,etc. I gave him a glare as i grabbed a gun witched happen to be a pistol i grabbed  the lightwheight  gun and moved it around.I saw men and women staring at me including Mr.Albreck.I grabbed the gun put it near my and aimed for the head shot and bullseye got dead center.I shuddered at the thought of that being a child.Next I grabbed the bow and arrow tried to shoot the heart of a diffrent dummmey and instead I shot its arm. I suck at Bow and Arrow thats still okay. There was a long rope and a tree.Guess that is where you start climbing  I began climbing the rope hopeing I would not slip and half way I fall.  It felt as if all the air was taken out of me. 

I get up take a deep breath and climb the tree with was a lot easier thanks to the branches and in about 3 minutes I was at the top.I looked at Mr.Albreck who looked pleased that i had made it to the top instead of falling like I did with that slinder rope.I just jumped off the top and fell to the ground feet first and walked to the next thing I winced in pain as my knees were buckeling when i fell to the ground. I looked at the next task witch was to build a fire. I just smirked at how easy this was. I LIVE IN A FREAKING IGLOO!! Well i really did not but i could have beacuse is what just that cold. In a few minutes I built a nice cozy fire. Mr.Albreck then pointed to another shuttleand said to change and i may keep my jacket and you will be given a few things based how well this test was oh and Mike and Logan are all ready in there changing area. Toby may come with you, you will have a coach there.

As I entered the tube I knew I may this may be the last things that i will live to.

Author here again i got 200 reads yay!!!! Any suggestions on how the game should go comment or write it to me in my inbox thx!

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