The new boy

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Got a new character and am excited for this!!!Don't care if I spelled excited wrong or right that is just how excited I am!!!

Kims P.O.V.

After cooking the little rabbit meat,fish,and Katniss roots we had we split the food with each of us.As we began to eat Skylar began to sleep I grabbed my Mike witch was a signal to come closer."Skylar likes you like big time I have a feeling if we left you alone with her you can persuade her to eat." He nodded knowing Skylar was sick because of Ashey and if you thought she ws talking when she helping Skylar she was about to explode the girl could not shut her freaking ever.I grabbed Logan and pointed over away from Skylar and them and grabbed Ashley who were all sitting beside me and had thier weapons as if I was the weak one.Logan began to carry me thier when I told him I could walk by myself.Ashley came to my side and helped me walk but even then the pain to walking there was unbearable and I fell to the ground.Logan picked me up and took me over there and I began to cry the pain just seemed to never go away.I tried the tears away but they never seem to go away,finaly Logan set me down and hugged me rocking me and cooing me to be quite.As I slowly began to eat with Logan at my side I thought about the texans oh how the texans were lucky.They never had to go the games and they thought this was some sort of fun game (aka capitol people) they can send us stuff but they rarely do.I hope they would send something for Skylar and for Logan, Ashley,and Mike and maybe even for me. The pain ceased and I just stared at the coals that looked cold but it would burn you just as easy.I turned to see how Mike was coming along and I saw him whispering into her ear and her eating and drinking like she would never see it again.Toby came to my side and laid my me shacking from the cold.I noticed I to was shaking and sneezing many times,Logan came closer and pulled me closer knowing I was freezing.Ashley then cuddeld against Toby trying to warm up. I looked at Logan who was truley very tired."Hey Logan lets go over there tonight all of us can get sleep and so tommorow we definetly get sleep.He noddded grabbed me and took me over there,Toby kept being at my side while Ashley is trying to catch up with but her short legs could not catch up.Finally Logan set me down against the side of the cave not to far from the entrance. Mike cuddled with Skylar and gave me a wink,Logan laid beside me while Toby was at my side.Ashley was applying more herbs when she ran over to the other side of the cave.Unfortaunutley it was to dark in the room to be able to see what she was saring at.She came back to me with smiling eyes,she gave me the item and it was medicine.She began to open up when she looked at Logan."Hey cover her mouth but make sure she can breath through her nose."I looked at Logan who coverd my mouth,I pressed my head against the wall as she began to apply medicine.I screamed in pain as she kept adding more,my arms were flailing evry where as tears streamed down my face.The pain was worse than any other pain I have felt in my whole life.

Mike came to me and brushed my eyes trying to clam me down but is was no use.I kept crying and she kepy applying and it never seem to end.Finally when she was done my eyes felt dried up and I was extremely tired.I layed down flat on the floor laying on Logans chest inhaling his scent.I looked up at Logan to see tears in his eyes as calmed me down."Kim it is okay,the pain to you felt ten times worse for me try to get some sleep."Slowly my eye lids shut and for once I felt at home. I wake up to my bed I climb out ofthe covers and walk on the cold wooden floor as I get into the living room I see my dad with his hand out stretched I run up to him but instead I walk through him as if I am a ghost."Daddy." He smiled and began to chuckle."I love you."

I open my eyes to see Logan is gone and so is Mike but Toby is still sleeping with Ashley.I began to slowly to pull my pant leg up thinking of the worst.But the cut looked like well a small cut.The swelling in my leg is no longer there and as i try to get up I can walk and even do a slow jog."Ashley look." I kicked Ashley and she grabbed her knife,as she looked at my leg she smiled and jumped in joy.As we got over to Skylar and I gently woke her up she did not even wake up,I began to shake her when I slowly lift my shaking hand to her throat. No pulse.I began to shake her more and more until Ashley had to pull her away from me. I slowly fell to the ground crying I felt like everything crushed on me.Ashley walked away until my blurred eyes could no longer see her.I got up about 5 minutes later and tried to regain myself.I looked around and almost evrything was gone.Did they just leave us?There was no food and my weapons and Ashleys. As I heard footsteps I grabbed my rifle and pointed it at the hole.I heard Mikes voice and Logans but I also heard another voice and this one did not sound so kind.I heard wrestling and finnaly a gun shot."MIKE....LOGAN." I ran to the hole and climbed up.I saw Mike and logan not harmed and a boy laying in the grass.I ran over to Logan and hugged him and did the same to Mike."I thought were going to die." They looked at me with astonishment seeing me being able to walk."So who is this?" I walked over to him he laid peacefully and looked like he had a small smile."Thomas,turns out he was following us the whole time he knew we were a team,smart I must say." Mike looked at me with a grim face.I looked back down at Thomas,I remeber seeing him in school a few times but only a few.He had blonde hair and striking blue eyes,he was quite cute and I remeber liking him.I looked up at the boys Mike still was embarresed Thomas outwitted him,but Logan on the other hand wasred faced and from the looks he was jealous."Well lets take Thomas into the cave and fix him up...oh and buy the way Skylar...died." Tears came back into my eyes at the thought of her being dead.The boys took Thomas back into the cave while I took Skylar for a proper burying.I set her down far away from the cave in a nest of clovers I braided part of her hair and I just sat there sad and full of sorrow.I felt a string being pulled and I turned a girl older than me about 20 looked at me.She saw Skylar and and tears began to form."Go ahead shoot no one is stopping you,if I die at least I will die with a friend."She looked at me then Skylar than me again.She put her arrow back in her bag and gave me a hand."Hi I am Scarlett." I smiled at her and took her hand and stood up "I am Kim" we walked farther away from the cave."I have a group with me about 5 of us depending if everyone is alive."

"We have a group to in a cave do you want to come and stay with us,we have sort of like a doctor." She looked at me and thought for a moment.She looked up and shoved me into a bsu then dived in.She pointed to the voices that were dinstant that grew closer. I grabbed my gun that I had put in my belt loop.The voices came and then they went,and she grabbed me and pointed up the trees.She gave a sharp high pitch note in whistle wise. 1 man,1 boy,2 women,1 teen.They all looked at me unsure weather to trust or distrsut."This is Kim she is goign to help us follow her."All of a sudden I was the leader and I began to walk to the direction of the cave when I heard the voices again.I began to run as I heard the voices coming in our direction.We were halfway there when one of the women got shot this time I ran harder pushing the limits of my leg.

When I fell.

The last one standingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang