When it rains it pores

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Kim's P.O.V.

I see fire engulfing me and I began shaking from fear.I began running tears streaming down my face all cool against the heat from the fire my ankle hurts so bad I can't take
It .I fall from the pain crawling trying to escape the fire ,my hands sinking into the soft ground trying to pull myself. Failing I fall to my side while some of my hair catching on fire.I scream and try to die it out and began to crawl not giving up I was so close to getting out just a little farther.I have put up way to much to get to this point.The smoke hurts my lungs and my nose stings I cough and pull my shirt up to my nose covering it. Slowly everything is blurry and its harder to lift my arm.My head is screaming for air as my eyes shut and warm takes me in.

5 hours later...

I wake up to the trees all burnt around me...wait I am not dead! I inhale the fresh air letting oxygen get into my burnt lungs and I examine my surroundings once more.I look and see Thomas laying face first into ashes he is burned all over his back ."Ttt...Thomas?" I say in a shaky voice. He did not move and I poked his side. He was still frozen.My heart started beating much faster as I realized he might be dead...for me."Oh Crap...." I start shaking him and my eyes water. I pick up his hand and feel for a pulse tears streaming as I felt a beat."Kim?" He whispered that only she could hear barely.

"Shhhh... I am hear what happened?" I replied.He lifted his head and laid his head down on his side looking at me. "I saw there was a big fire and I ran in. I looked frantically around for you and found you dragging yourself away.I guess you blacked out and I laid on top of you. My shirt caught on fire and I picked you up and tried to drag you but fell and I blacked out."

"You did that...for me?" He nodded and smiled. Slowly I came closer to his face and whispered in his ear "thank you." Slowly I reached his lips and kissed him slowly. I broke the kiss when he tried to pull me closer."You are the bravest man I have ever met." He gave the biggest grin ever and grabbed my hand."Okay your back is in horrible condition probably a third degree burn, I think we should get you some where safe." I look around. But where? There is nothing here but ashes and smoke.

I sit him up and look around in search for shelter. I found a thick tree standing alone through the sickening ashes. I help Thomas up and we walk closer to the tree I wrap my jacket feeling the cold breeze go through my bones.As we get closer to the tree and begins to rain. I remember my dads old saying "when it rains it pores." And did it pore.Thomas took my hand and we walked together."Kim you are absolutely beautiful." My face burned as he kissed my cheek.He was so cute with his hair matted down I thought. Wait...he can't be cute? I thought I liked Logan? Ugh! I am so confused. All I know is I am falling for Thomas and that is exactly what I don't want.

Sorry for the lousy chapter :/ hope you enjoyed it though!

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