Chapter 7:

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Waste. Dust. This is what Emma saw first when she opened her eyes. The entire basement wall had collapsed, luckily no stone had hurt the young woman.
The rays of the sun were now shining in the basement and Emma smiled, feeling the heat warm her skin. She was free! The young woman stood up with difficulty, taking the hem of her dress so as not to stumble and walked for the exit but was suddenly lifted into the air, her neck strangled.
"Out of the question that you run away, I am too close to the goal,"!declared the Savior, gritting his teeth.
The Savior was behind her, dust on her clothes and all over her face. All of a sudden, Rumplestiltskin threw Emma against a wall that vanished.
Belle made her way down the still intact stairs as quickly as possible, the normally blood-sealed door of Rumple had collapsed and Belle saw the carnage.  A huge hole had formed looking out over the garden and the Savior stood there staring into the distance.
"Rumple ... what happened? Where did this explosion come from?"
"Belle... calm down, it's no use..."
The young woman approached the man and stared at him, puzzled.
"Do you have something to hide?" she asked, anger rising in her.
"Everything is fine, honey..."
But Belle kept yelling at him. Suddenly she stopped talking, seeing several horses ridden by several men as well as the Queen cross the bridge leading to the castle where sparkling water surfaced.
"Why is the Queen here? What have you done again?"

The young woman looked around the room and saw Emma lying on the floor.
"Who is it?" Belle asked.
Her boyfriend didn't answer any of her questions and snapped her fingers, which sent Belle unconscious. Then he flew her over the stairs and took her to her room - more precisely - on her bed.
The Dark One sighed and stepped through the opening, gazing at his almost intact castle. All that was missing was his basement and that didn't bother the man as he knew he could rebuild this part of the castle with his magic.
"Rumplestiltskin, there you are!" exclaimed the Queen.
The man turned to the garden and saw the horses walking on the grass. Suddenly the guards stopped and their steeds shifted to the side to let the Queen pass.
Regina immediately stopped her mount and nodded at the man.
"Excuse me for such an explosive entry, I just wanted to make sure you were there."
"You could very well have knocked on the door like everyone else," said Rumplestiltskin.
"So that your dearest Belle can see me and tell her that you have one of my prisoners? Still don't want her to know that you can't be the Savior?"
Rumplestiltskin fell silent. He hadn't planned this.  Even though he was the one who wrote the history of this world, he missed tons of details and anything could change. Sadly. Belle could leave him at any moment, find that he had lied to her even though she had forgotten, know that in real life he was not the Savior and that he was the Dark One.
A lot could happen despite the fact that it was he himself who had written the history...
"She already knows," sighed Rumple.
"I know you well, Rumplestiltskin. You won't have a hard time finding a spell to erase her memory, am I right?"
Erase her memory again? Rumplestiltskin wasn't sure what to make of it. But if he didn't, Belle could leave him, the Savior not having explained the visit of the Evil Queen to her.
"You are right. What do you want?"
"I told you. My prisoner," Regina replied.
"Captain Hook? Why, then?" the man asked.
"For revenge."
"Let me guess... you want to kill Snow White and you need the pirate to find the poison you want to use on your enemy," the man guessed.
"Very insightful, say so."
Regina smiles.
"No, just informed," replied Rumplestiltskin, smiling.
"Very well. What if we made a deal?" asked the Evil Queen.
"With pleasure. You know I love it," replied the Savior.

{ In the home of the Dark and Belle }

Emma woke up, a headache taking shape. She was lying on the floor, her hands hanging on a chain.  Surprisingly, the wall in front of her was intact as if nothing that had happened had happened.
Emma stood up and swallowed. His only chance to escape from here was gone. The young woman did not know what to do and that saddened her greatly.
His enemy entered the room, opening the door with his blood.
"Ah... the Savior, you really thought you could escape me, didn't you? Well, you won't."
"I'm going to win. We are going to win, I know that.  Good always fights evil and wins the battle," Emma said.
"It's true. But this was before I changed the rules of history. Now the tables are turned and you will all see what it is like to be the losers."
"You'll pay for it."
"Maybe, but in a long time.  Despite the obstacles that got in my way, I managed to overcome them and keep the woman I love," Rumplestiltskin informed him.
"By telling lies, hiding the truth," Emma reminded.
"Exact. Luckily, Belle doesn't remember anything and she'll never find the truth until I stop erasing her memory the moment she finds it."
"You can't do this forever. One day she will find out the truth. And that's when you'll lose everything," Emma informed him.
Rumplestiltskin laughs.
"We'll see, dear."
"And now? What are you going to do?" asked the prisoner.
"I will wait. Wait until Snow White is dead and then - I told you before - I will kill you, well ... not me, rather someone else," the Savior replied, smiling.
"I'm not the type to reveal my secrets," Rumple announced.
It was then that Rumplestiltskin came out of the basement, without a word from Emma feeling the anger in her.

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