Chapter 11:

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Several galloping horses raced through the forest to stop in front of immense mountains, their steeds descending from their mounts.
"We just have to walk. Make as little noise as possible so as not to wake up the stone monsters."
The man who had just spoken wore bigger armor than his teammates, which meant he was in charge.  He took off his helmet revealing beautiful green eyes and a red mane. King Arnold put it away in a satchel hanging from his horse.
"I know the king is not allowed to go on quests like this but I want to end their life. They've been causing far too much damage lately... and besides, I want their treasure back... for our kingdom."
He drew his sword and set off down the stony path leading him to a cave. His teammates followed him, their weapons all out. Only three people remained in place to watch the surroundings.
"Wait!" cried a voice.
The last person in line had not yet removed their helmet unlike the other knights.
"What is it?" Arnold asked.
"You know little about these creatures and you don't know the danger they can create on you and your teammates."
"How dare you...?" the king asked aggressively.
The fact that his knowledge was questioned outraged him.
"Calm down. I just want to help," reassured the person.
"Who are you?"
So to answer his question, the knight removed his helmet, revealing a female face with brown hair tight in a ponytail.
"You are... what are you doing here?" You do not have the right...!" the king exclaimed, puzzled.
The young woman sighed.
"I am indeed a woman. But without me, if you had entered the cave, you would be dead already," she said.
She stared at her companions.
"The gems that these stone monsters keep in their cave are fake."
Everyone looked puzzled.
"The real ones are hidden not in their cave but in themselves. And if you step into their abode, the creatures will close the entrance and exit so you will be stranded with no way out," she continued.
"Very well... it's true I was not informed..." King Arnold whispered.
The young woman smiles.
"What is your first name?"
"Belle," replied the king.

{ In Storybrooke - In Regina's office }

Henry was seated in an armchair, storybook in front of him and quill in hand. He wrote on the paper but the sentence disappeared.
Regina entered the room, a sachet in her hand, which she placed on the desk.
"Chocolate donut from Granny with a chocolate supplement offered by Ruby!" informed her, smiling.
Henry thanked her and sighed, hesitating to rewrite on the book.
"What are you doing?" his mother asked.
"You see, according to the Apprentice, the author can write whatever he wants. He can change history while playing by the rules..." explained Henry.
"Yes and... ?"
The author wrote on the page again.
""The Dark One loses his magic and decides to retrieve it with the means he has found, but it will not cause any death, not even Emma's.""
Immediately, the sentence faded very quickly under the boy's sigh.
"It does not work. I can't change the Savior's future," Henry said.

{ In the Gold store }

The door slammed and Belle walked in, her heels pounding on the parquet.
"Rumple!" she cried.
The man walked out of the back room in great shape.
Belle approached Gold, ready to scold him but when she saw that he was doing very well, doubts filled her mind.
"I wanted to tell you that... uh... are you feeling good? I know what you did in this other world and I know you are losing your magic and I know you want to kill Emma and... I..."
"And I won't.  I found a cure. Here I am, safe and sound, I've listened to you, Belle, and I'm trying to do my best to make sure that the part of the goodness you see in me is seen by the rest of the people of Storybrooke," Gold explained, smiling.
His girlfriend smiled and put her hands on the man's chest, then kissed him tenderly.
"I am proud of you."
And Belle stepped back to walk towards the back room.
"I'll tidy up a bit."
Rumple nodded.
"I apologize for hurting you in this other world. That was not my intention and most of all... thanks to my mistake, I was able to think and find this remedy that saved my life," he informed her.
"Don't worry, Rumple. Everyone makes mistakes and know that I forgive you," Belle replied.
Belle smiled at him again and walked into the back room, picking up coats and jackets from the floor and putting them on a shelf.
The Dark One sighed, left his shop, and walked over to Granny's restaurant.

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