Chapter 15:

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Gold walked into his shop and placed the "closed" sign outside his door so that no one was disturbed.
He paced the room and opened his safe to take out his dagger. The motives froze from the potion he had drunk, but that wasn't going to last long. He had to find the object he was looking for and accomplish his plan.
Suddenly, the door swung open and Regina entered the store, angry and sad.
"I see that my sign is not used much," sighed the Dark One.
"I need to talk to you," Regina informed her.
"What's going on, dear?"
Gold smiles.
"We all know about it. You lied to us!"
"I'm good at lies," replied the Dark One.
"So everything is wrong? You gave Belle a fake dagger and married her hiding the truth from her... but you won't get out of it that easily, "said the Evil Queen.
"Perhaps. But whatever you try to do, all of you, you wouldn't stop me from killing the Savior."
"That's what we'll see," Regina said.
The Evil Queen sighed and a smile spread across her lips.
"And Belle? I just have to confess everything to her and she will side with us and defeat you!" she exclaimed.
The Dark One smiles in turn.
"If you can find her," Gold said.
"After our wedding, we were supposed to go on our honeymoon to Venice so she did," Gold explained.
"But you?"
"I just had to lie to her on the vial of memories: that I didn't have enough for two so I told her that she could go despite her protests because I didn't want her to miss her  lucky to discover Venice and therefore, she left," continued Rumple.
So Regina pulled out her phone but the man called out to her:
"Regina, there's no point calling her. Belle didn't pick up her phone... that's pure coincidence, isn't it?"
The Dark One revealed in his hand, his wife's phone.
"I've already planned everything in advance, dear.  You won't stop me."
The woman sighed and put her hand on the counter.
"I ask you one thing: don't do it... please don't kill the Savior..." begged Regina.
Rumple laughs.
"You won't change my mind. I'm sorry but that's the only way," replied the Dark One.
"No, there is another way. Take my magic! I have black magic, kill me and leave Emma in peace."
"Maybe you want to play the heroines but I refuse.  I'll kill the Savior," the Dark One informed him.
"Why not me?" asked the mayor, puzzled.
"You may have black magic and yes, it would make it easier if I took yours, I wouldn't need to transform the magic but... the Savior is powerful, more powerful than you. And if I get my magic back, I better make it strong," he explained.
Regina sighed again.
"I won't be able to talk you out of it?"
"No," the man replied.
The young woman banged her fist on the counter.
"All right, then the war begins."
Regina gave her a threatening look and headed for the door when Gold called out to her:
"Regina, you're wrong. The war has already started," Gold corrected.
And the woman walked out of the store, anger and sadness overwhelming her.

{ At Granny }

"Don't worry, we'll find out what this item is and what it is for and then we'll try to get rid of it... if it turns out to be dangerous," David told the locals.
The dwarves, Granny, Ruby and the rest of the locals nodded. The object that had been discovered worried everyone now and David was doing his best to reassure them.
"I'm going to the library to get some information on this item," Killian said.
Emma nodded and smiled weakly. Her boyfriend then left the restaurant and Henry took the opportunity to talk to his mother:
"I apologize."
"I'm sorry I confessed everything to your parents and Killian..." Henry sighed.
Emma sighed in turn.
"Don't worry. You did well... at least they know Gold lied and now we have to be very careful... well I have to be."
Henry smiled at him and Emma did the same but another secret popped up in her mind: the fact that Gold was going to do everything to get her back by hurting the people of Storybrooke and then her loved ones... but the Savior could not let her thoughts wander because behind them the door swung open and Regina entered the restaurant.
"We have a problem..."
Emma and Henry turned to the mayor, puzzled.
"We already have one, Regina," Emma replied.
"Yes that's right... I meant we have a new one," Regina corrected.
After a pause, she added:
"Belle has left Storybrooke and Gold has kept her phone so we have no way of contacting her and revealing the real face of the Dark One. She doesn't know he hasn't changed, or rather that he never changed..."
The Savior sighed.
"Hook went to the library to look for information on the object we found..."
"Perfect, I'll join him," Regina informed him.
"I'm going to go take a closer look at the meteorite, my parents will come with me," said Emma.
"And me?" Henry asked.
"You...!" the two mothers began immediately.
But their son cut them off.
"I'll stay safe at home... okay," Henry sighed.
"You know very well that after..." began Regina.
"What happened, I don't want him..." continued Emma.
"Something's happening to you," the Evil Queen finished.
The two mothers smiled and Regina left the restaurant followed by Henry.
"I'll bring him back."
"Yes thanks. See you later," Emma said.
And during the chaos that filled the room, the Savior did not see that her parents had come close to her and she jumped in surprise.
"What are you planning to do?" his mother asked.
"We would love to spend some time with you," David said.
"I would like to. I had planned to examine what we found in the forest... so... you can come with me," their daughter replied.
Her parents nodded and they left the restaurant, the sun now high in the sky.

The sanctuary of Magicae [ENGLISH]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora