Chapitre 16:

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All the inhabitants were gathered in the forest, Geppetto's car was there too and the crane was operated.

First, following David's orders, the inhabitants approached the meteorite and lifted it up. To help them, David took the hook of the crane and looked for a hollow to hang it on the stone.

After placing the hook, Geppetto, behind the wheel of his car, drove off and began to drive. The stone was lifted a few inches with the help of the people but suddenly the rope snapped and they had minimal time to back up without their feet and hands being crushed.

"No one is hurt?" David asked.

They all shook their heads.

"It's way too heavy! It is impossible to move it!" growled Grumpy.

"There is no other way than to leave her there... we just have to hope that nothing will happen when we are stopped by the weather," sighed Geppetto through the window of his car.

David sighed in turn, not knowing what to do.

{ At Emma and Hook }

Mary-Margaret was sitting on the couch, holding Neal in her arms and giving him the bottle.

Emma was sitting next to her mother, her gaze blank. She was holding a mug of hot chocolate in her hands.

"Honey... I'm sorry, I don't know what to say."

His daughter did not answer.

"Don't worry, we'll stop the Dark One and stop Will. No one will be hurt anymore!" his mother continued.

Suddenly the door slammed and Hook walked into the living room, a sad look on his face.

"I am sorry..."

Her boyfriend sighed and after putting down her cup, Emma hugged Crochet.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," the man whispered.

A few tears flowed from the Savior's eyes.

"It's all my fault... if I don't surrender, he's going to come after me and you," the woman informed him in a broken voice.

"Emma, ​​I forbid you to do it! We're going to stop the Crocodile and everything will end well," said Hook.

His girlfriend said nothing and Mary-Margaret broke the silence:

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

The couple nodded.

{ In the forest }

Robin shot an arrow that landed in the middle of a tree and someone hissed in admiration.

"You are still as good as I see it."

Robin sighed and stepped back, frightened when he saw Will leaning against a tree, eating an apple.

"What are you doing here?" Robin asked.

The thief then threw away the barely finished fruit and took Robin's bow while placing his arrow as precisely as possible. Then he aimed at the same tree as the hunter and after a few minutes of concentration, Will launched his arrow, which pierced the one already on the trunk and sank into the bark.

"I just came to see a friend," Will replied, smiling.

Robin sighed.

"You are not allowed to be there."

"Who ordered it, you or Regina?" asked the thief.

"What do you want?" Robin asked in turn without caring about the question.

"Gold will take me back to Wonderland when I complete my mission, when the Savior finally surrenders," Will explained.

Robin approached the tree and retrieved the arrow stuck in the bark followed by his friend.

"It's wrong what you are doing and Emma will never surrender because we'll be there to protect her," the man replied.

"Perhaps. But thanks to my bad deeds, I have a chance to return home and you could come."

The hunter sneered.

"Out of the question, I'll stay here. I have a child and I have a wife whom I love with all my heart!"

"It's funny though... you say what I'm doing is wrong but you, it's even worse: you're dating the Evil Queen," Will whispered.

"Regina has changed! And she will do anything to protect Emma and the people from you and Gold. She's changed and she's trying to come out the best in herself," Robin said.

"I don't care, you know. In short, I will continue my mission and nothing will stop me."

Robin sighed, irritated. So Will moved to the left and ran away.

"See you later! Tell me what Regina thought of your mystery gift!" he exclaimed.

Immediately, the hunter rummaged in his pockets, frightened without finding what he was looking for.

"Give me that necklace back now!" he ordered Will.

So Will took a few steps and held up in his right hand a necklace with a blue gemstone.

"You mean that one? Well go get it!"

Robin sighed and set off in pursuit. He should never have stayed to talk to Will... he was a thief, he should have known that the man wouldn't leave without stealing something. This necklace was for Regina and Robin absolutely had to get it back; it was out of the question to let him escape.

He ran, avoiding the roots and wandered between the trees. Will was standing in front of him and had more headroom than the man so to slow him down, Robin shot an arrow that hit the tree next to the thief and the thief came to a halt, breathless.


And Will resumed his run just before tripping over a root. The man grimaced and the precious jewels slipped out of his hands, allowing Robin to catch up with his enemy and retrieve the necklace.

"Don't do it again now, or rather, I'll be on my guard," Robin said.

Suddenly, Will stood up abruptly and stepped back, frightened.

"What is happening?" the hunter asked, puzzled.

Will then pointed to the object nestling in a trunk and Robin walked over to observe it.

It was an egg. With golden and black contours.

Robin knew immediately what egg it was and when he saw that it was just starting to hatch he ran away, Will already gone.

The sanctuary of Magicae [ENGLISH]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant