Chapter 13:

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Snow White was holding her husband in her arms.  She was crying, the pain taking place in her heart.
The Evil Queen was staring at her with piercing eyes, happy.
Charming had placed his daughter in the cupboard.  He had sacrificed himself for his daughter. For her to save them.
"Why are you doing this?" Snow White asked, desperate.
The curse had been cast and everyone living in the Enchanted Forest would soon be swept away.
"Because this is my the happy ending!" Regina cried threateningly.
She turned to the two guards behind her.
"What about the child?"
"Faded away. He was in the wardrobe and then nothing. He cannot be found," replied one of the guards.
"Where did you hide it?" Regina asked her enemy.
On her tear-cleansed face, a smile was now taking shape.
"She had time to disappear... you would lose in the end. Now, I'm sure, good always wins, Snow White said.
It was then that the Evil Queen smiled.
"You are very likely to be disappointed."
Suddenly, a cloud of purple and green smoke ripped through the ceiling with a terrible crash.
"Where are we going?" asked Snow.
Regina laughs at her victory.
"In a horrible, wonderfully horrible place. A world where I would choose how all's well that ends well!"
It was then that smoke enveloped the rest of the castle, including Snow White and Regina.

{ At  Mary-Margaret and David }

Mary-Margaret woke up with a start.  Fear gripped her stomach and she shivered.  David was still asleep next to her, his eyes closed and his face turned to her.
The woman stood up discreetly and walked to the bathroom, stunned. She turned on the faucet and poured water on her hands which she placed on her face to cool off. Mary-Margaret took a deep breath and exhaled. She did this several times just before she opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror in front of her.
Suddenly she stepped back, frightened. His reflection had given way to another, very familiar, that of Emma. Her daughter was staring at her threateningly through the mirror.
"Emma... what are you doing here?" Snow White whispered knowing full well that this was not her real daughter.
Surely she was having a dream... it wasn't real.
"Yes, it's real, Mom," the blonde replied as if she had read his mind.
The mother-to-be walked cautiously to the mirror, examining her daughter's face.Her eyes had lost their glow and the smile that stretched her face was just melancholy.
"Emma... what's happening to you?" his mother asked, puzzled.
"I saw your dream. I know your fear, your fear of having to abandon your next child for any reason like you abandoned me. Will you be able to protect him is the question you have been asking yourself for a long time," declared the Savior.
"That dream... was when we put you in the closet, we did it to protect you, remember? You even forgave us," whispered Mary-Margaret.
"And then what happened? While you lived in Storybrooke happy and with no memories, I lived with foster care... ran away several times and, when I thought I had found my place, found my home... my family, the one I was with thought to stay until my maturity, rejected me. I thought I had friends, family but in the end I was alone and always have been... I was alone for twenty-eight years," Emma sighed.
"But we have found each other and we are once again a family! You are no longer alone now... thanks to us."
"You are afraid that you will not be able to succeed in protecting your next child. You're afraid of being a bad mother, just like you've been to me," her daughter said.
Mary-Margaret's face fell.
"I did all I could to make up for lost time... you told us you forgave us!" she reminded.
"This isn't the first time I've told a lie."
Suddenly, the Savior's face became sharper than ever.
"If I didn't have the right to happiness as a child, there won't be any right either."
Suddenly the mirror shattered; Mary-Margaret had just slammed her fist on the glass. She cried out, her left hand bleeding profusely, a few pieces piercing her flesh.
The door slammed shut and David stared at his wife, worried and puzzled. He walked over to her and after examining the wound for a long time, rummaged in several drawers for a bandage. When he found one, he wrapped it carefully around his wife's hand just after removing the pieces of glass from her skin.
"What happened? Explain to me!" David insisted, worried.
Mary-Margaret's cheeks were bathed in tears.
"I... I woke up because I had a bad dream... it was when we put Emma in the wardrobe and the curse took us away."
"And after?" the man asked.
She shook her head.
"Why did you break the mirror? What did you see there?"
Mary-Margaret stared at her husband.
"Our daughter."

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