Chapter 19:

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Emma and Hook were sitting next door listening worriedly to Regina. Mary-Margaret was staring at her husband and Robin was leaning against the wall, also worried.
"Gold stole this sphere... but I don't know what it's for. When I got it back it was a man I didn't know who had it and I took it from him telling me it was something that was going to take away my victory.  The curse was on by then," Regina explained.
"This sphere... if Gold stole it, it must be something important," Emma said.
"We're going to win... that's obvious," Mary-Margaret whispered.
David stroked her shoulder and kissed her cheek.
"Precisely... I don't think so," declared Emma.
"What?" his mother asked worriedly.
The woman took a folded paper from her pocket and unfolded it.
"It was in Isaac's prison. He wrote it. "The Heroes won't win. We know it. A new page will open and the story we know so well will change. The end of the Savior is near.""
Hook raised an eyebrow.
"I don't understand... yet Henry..." he started.
"... Henry told us I was saved... it was written in the storybook," Emma finished.
"Yes, but I lied."
The Heroes stared at Henry who had just come down the stairs.
"I wrote that sentence. This is not the book. I just wanted to create a spark of hope but it didn't help," Henry explained.
"It doesn't matter. We don't need a book to dictate our future, it's up to us to choose the right path and write our destiny," Emma said.
She tore the paper in her hand and threw it in the trash.
"Isaac said we're not going to win. He told me that we never once thought we could lose and that was pathetic. I agree with him. I know about our defeat but you still deny it," Henry informed them.
The Heroes sighed, not knowing what to say.
"Henry, we have to believe it," Regina said.
"It's been a long time since I stopped believing."
The boy left the house, slamming the door sharply.
"What's the matter with him?" David asked.
"He's lost hope," Mary-Margaret whispered.
Regina crossed her arms.
"It's ironic... the purest of believers no longer believe in fairytales."
Regina then stared at Emma and sighed.
"Emma, ​​come join me at my vault. I have something for you."
Her friend gave her a puzzled look.

{ In the Gold store }

Gold put the sphere down on the counter and smiled.
"After all these years of waiting... I finally have this sphere and I can cast the Dark Curse."
Isaac approached the Dark One.
"Too bad you can't use it right away. Everything would go faster."
"Indeed but all magic comes with a price. And that price is that if we want it to work, we have to use it on the next full moon, which means in two days," Rumple reminded.
"I can't wait," Isaac whispered.
Gold smiles.
"Now let's see how our dear friend is doing."
Isaac nodded.

{ In Regina's vault }

The Queen rummaged in a drawer and took out two vials of transparent liquid. She took them and showed them to Emma.
"What is that?"
"A potion so that you can keep your memories when you leave Storybrooke. And it'll help you get out of town," Regina explained.
Emma sighed.
"Regina, I don't want and I will not leave this town.  I stay with you."
"You have no choice, Emma. What Rumplestiltskin is up to may be worse than we thought. What is this sphere going to do to us? I have no idea but nothing good anyway. Especially for you," Regina said.
"Okay. But first, let me say goodbye to my family," said the Savior.

{ At Regina }

Regina knocked softly on the door to her son's bedroom.
"Henry, can I come in?"
Henry was sitting on his bed staring at the cover of his book, seeming to ignore his mother. Regina opened the door and sat down next to her son.
"The vials are ready. You can get out of town this afternoon or sooner... if that's what you want," Regina sighed.
Henry was still silent.
"From a young age, you love this city and all its inhabitants."
"I loved him," the boy corrected.
"You loved her. I get it. You know, you don't have to go. It's Emma who's in danger, not you," her mother informed her.
Henry stared at Regina.
"I want to leave this city and go back to New York."
Regina nodded sadly.
"Very well."
"I was happy, I loved this city. I know it. But now... it's like we're all in danger every time and I want it to stop. I want Emma to be saved and I want to be happy," Henry said.
"You weren't happy before?"
"Of course yes! Henry exclaimed. But all that... everything that is happening has erased my joy."
The boy stared at his mother.
"I was happy... but not anymore."

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