Chapter 8:

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Killian walked into the house and saw Emma sitting on a chair reading. He kissed her on the cheek and moved to stand next to her.
"What are you reading, Swan?" Killian asked, raising an eyebrow.
Emma pointed to the cover: "Once Upon A Time" was marked with her golden letters.
"Henry's book... don't you know him well enough?" the man joked, smiling.
The Savior closed the book and stared at the pirate.
"No, there is always a part that I strangely forget: the one where I met you and you fell in love with me without me knowing why," she replied, smiling.
"I can bring back your memories, if you want..."
And the man kissed Emma who let herself be taken in by the kiss.
"I love you," Killian whispered.
"I love you too."
The couple kissed again when the door opened and Regina, Mary-Margaret, David and Robin entered the house.
The Savior jumped and Hook sighed.
"Why do we always have to be disturbed?"
Emma smiled at him and put her hands on the man's chest.
"Don't worry. We'll continue tonight," Emma whispered.
In response, Hook's gaze lit up and Emma turned to her friends.
"Yes? What is happening?"
"Rumplestiltskin's power is growing weaker and weaker... he will soon execute his plan, you must be safe," Regina explained.
"Regina, I have no intention of hiding. If he wants war, he will get it. If he wants to kill me, he will.  Then I will defend myself and fight to the end," Emma replied fearlessly.
"If only there was another solution... a solution so that the Crocodile could regain its power without killing you," Killian sighed.
Regina's face lit up.
"But yes! Why didn't I think about it sooner?"
"What? Did you find another way?" Emma exclaimed, puzzled.
"Regina?" Mary-Margaret insisted.
"Yes... it can work but the problem is that I have no idea where it is and how to get to it..." whispered the Evil Queen
The Heroes stared blankly at Regina. What was she talking about?
"Regina, what's going on?" Emma asked again.
"I found another way for the Dark One to regain his power... but I don't know much about it so more information should be found in books. We could ask Belle..." Regina explained.
"What is this way?" David asked.
"Rumplestiltskin could go to that place where no one has come for a long time, to the most powerful place of all realms, in san..."

{ In the home of the Dark One and Belle }

Emma jumped. She looked around; she was in the Dark One's basement, still in chains. She could feel fatigue rising in her despite the fact that she had slept. The rays of the sun were shining through the window showing the dawn.
This dream... was it more precisely a vision? Did that mean anything? Regina had really found another way for Gold to reclaim her power without killing her?
Too many questions that remained unanswered...
"What does that mean?" she whispered, sighing.
She had to get out of here at all costs. She was the Savior and she was meant to save everyone. Then the Savior stared at her hands, closed her eyes, breathed and cleared her mind...
After a few minutes of concentration, the young woman opened her eyes and laughed out loud seeing in front of her, a white and shiny halo flying a few inches from her hands. Despite the fact that she was no longer the Savior, a part of her still remained magical and this gave the young woman hope.
But her disappointment got the better of her when the halo slowly faded, until it completely disappeared and Emma let out a cry, annoyed.
"No! No, come back!" Emma begged.
So Emma tried again, convinced that she would do it again but after unsuccessful attempts her source of all hope did not appear and she sighed, devastated.
Upstairs, Rumplestiltskin was brewing tea as Belle approached him, just waking up.
"Slept well?" the man asked.
"Yes," answered the young woman between two yawns.
Belle put her arms around the man who turned to her and the couple looked at each other, eye to eye.
"Thank you for making the tea, my Hero."
Belle kissed her and her boyfriend kissed her back.  Rumple sighed, relieved that everything was going perfectly. She no longer remembered his discovery and their argument; everything had worked as expected.
He could retry the request now, but changing the side of the story. Hoping she accepts this time.
"Go sit down, I'll bring it all to you."
"What a gentleman," Belle whispered, smiling.
"I'm only doing my Hero duty," replied Rumple.
"Or Savior. But you know, you don't have to be the Savior to be a Hero," Belle informed her.
"I know, but it's my duty after all. I inherited the Savior's powers so I use them to..."
"Preserve the world and save the world from darkness?" Belle offered.
"Right," Rumple whispered.
It was not wrong but for him, in truth, using the powers of the Savior served to hide him from his true identity...
Belle sat down in a chair and Rumple sat down opposite her putting the tray in the middle and serving her beloved tea from a strangely familiar cup.
"Rumple, this cup is chipped, I think it should be thrown away..."
"No, pose there. I'll put it away."
"Rumple, it is... chipped! Might as well take another," insisted the young woman.
"She's just chipped..."
The Savior shrugged his shoulders. Belle gave him a puzzled look, not understanding her boyfriend's behavior towards that simple mug.
"Rumple, we're not going to fight over a cup! I'll change her and that's it," Belle said.
"You don't understand," Rumple informed him.
"It's just a cup... what interest does she have in you?" Belle asked.
This cup was important to the Savior. That chipped mug... the one that had suffered a lot of knocks, cracks but never broke like their couple. It also meant the beginning of their story.
Seeing that the Savior did not respond, Belle set the cup delicately on the table and stood up to take another from the cupboard behind her.
"Belle... I have something to tell you and I need your help..." the man started.
"Me too, I have to tell you something, I..."
"No, me first! Please," Rumplestiltskin cut him off.
Belle fell silent, looking stressed.
"I... I am losing my power and in order to get it back I have to take the power of a specific person; a person who is the most evil of all... if I do, I will live and make her pay for everything she did, everyone would be safe but... I can't. I can't kill her, I don't know why anyway... and I ask you to kill her in my stead," the Savior lied.
Belle, sitting in her chair, stared at the man silently.
"I know it's... hard to digest, but you have to help me. Please."
"I'm pregnant," Belle whispered huskily.
It was Rumple's turn to say nothing. Pregnant... with him? It was not planned!
"I... I'm not ready," he whispered.
"Don't worry, you are but you don't know it yet. You will make a great father, that's for sure," his girlfriend reassured him.
"But I just told you that I was going..." started the Savior.
"Everything's gonna be alright, honey."
Rumple noticed that she was avoiding his request.  She didn't want to talk about it. She ignored him.
"Belle... I couldn't raise this child with you... I..."
But Belle cut her off again.
"If you can, let's see! We are both going to raise this child. Together," Belle said, stroking Rumple's hand.
Suddenly, with growing anger, Rumple stood up and exploded:
"But I can't because I'm telling you I'm going to die!"
Belle stared at Rumplestiltskin, a terrified look on her face. The man sat down and sighed.
"Sorry, I..."
Belle sighed too.
"Rumple... I can't, I don't want to kill a person to save you! I can't do this to our child. We will find another solution, I promise you."
The Savior said nothing. His girlfriend still had the same opinion... he had to find something else.
"It's amazing what... is happening to you and I would like to help you but I don't want to kill anyone even if they are an 'evil person', I'm sorry," Belle whispered.
Rumplestiltskin tensed. Belle couldn't help him. He had to find another person with a good heart to be able to kill the Savior.
"Let's think about our child, okay? Let's think about our future," added his girlfriend.
The Savior stood up abruptly and kissed his puzzled girlfriend.
"Excuse me, I have to go. I have an urgent matter to take care of. I come back soon."
And he quickly walked out of the castle.

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