I Fell in Love the Moment we Kissed

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I Fell in Love the Moment we kissed:

Hiccup was frustrated. This was the fourth time that Astrid and Snotlout had been arguing and it was just getting worse. "Stop getting in my way!" Astrid yelled at Snotlout who had collected stones, as per Stoick's request, and had placed them in the middle of everything causing Astrid to trip over them and fall on the ground, hurting her wrist in the process of trying to catch herself. She slowly stood up checked herself over, moving her wrist to see if it were hurt too bad.

"In your way?! Why don't you just watch out for my stones!" Snotlout fired back, placing a few more stones done in the pile where Astrid had tripped. When Snotlout got close to her, Astrid grabbed his wrist and twisted it and flipped him onto the ground, much like she did to Hiccup before when she first encountered Toothless. "Ow!" Snoutlout yelled, "That hurt!" Snotlout stood up and checked his own wrist.

"Good!" She yelled back. Her wrist was hurting, but she wouldn't let up. I'm not weak, she told herself in her head. Overhearing the yelling, the rest of the riders stopped to watch the two, the twins obviously more entertained than the others.

Fishlegs, looking a little worried spoke up. "Can you guys stop?!" He yelled at them, a little more loudly than he should've, causing him to feel embarrassed with all the faces turned towards him.

"No! Keep going. Punch him Astrid!" Tuffnut cheered on. In response, Astrid rolled her eyes and turned towards Stormfly. She was done dealing with them today.

Hiccup who heard the yelling from nearby appeared through the brush. He groaned and the sight since he had already known that something happened with Snotlout and Astrid .. again. "What did you guys do NOW?" Hiccup asked exasperated.

"She hurt my wrist!" Snotlout yelled at Hiccup and tried to play the victim in here. "All because she was being clumsy and fell!"

"That's not true!" Astrid yelled back at Snotlout and walked towards Hiccup. "He," she gestured at Snotlout with her hurt wrist, "put his rocks in the middle of everything and caused me to trip over them because of how stupidly they were placed." This caused the two of them to start arguing yet again and making Hiccup even more and more stressed out. He sighed.

"OKAY!" He yelled, "Would you guys shut up!?" He said in a booming voice. Everyone quieted and looked at him. You could tell he just wasn't in the mood. "Snotlout you shouldn't have placed your rocks in the middle of everything because that's how accidents happen." Hiccup said trying to reason with him but before Hiccup could say anything to Astrid, Snotlout interrupted.

"There you go again! Picking her side! I'm the victim here! Not your stupid little girlfriend!" He yelled back at Hiccup, who in turn wasn't having it.

"For Odin's sake she's not my girlfriend!" Hiccup yelled at him and right after Astrid joined in.

"I'm stupid!?" She said fiercely, looking like she was about to tear off Snotlout's head.

"I-I can't take this anymore!" Fishlegs yelled at them, obviously getting irritated as well. The twins, noticing everyone was yelling joined in.

"Yeah! We can't take it either!" They yelled.

Hiccup was getting a headache and he was about ready to lose it. "You guys! CAN YOU ALL BE QUIET?!" He tried yelling as loud as he could but the others' yells covered his. Toothless, noticing Hiccup's frustration stepped in to help and Toothless roared as loud as he could. It was deafening to everyone and it echoed for a few seconds, even after everyone finally quieted down and turned their attention towards the Night Fury and Hiccup. "Thanks bud." He said as he scratched his dragons head who gurgled in return.

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