Shut In

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Shut In:

"I can't believe we're stuck here again!" yelled Snotlout, tossing his arms into the air in frustration. "I don't know how I'm gonna survive another night of all...all you!" He gestured toward the rest of the group.

"Who's he talking to?" asked Tuffnut with a shrug.

"Can't be us," Ruffnut replied.

"Alright, I agree that this sleeping in the Academy thing is getting a little old," Hiccup broke in. "But we need to try with it."

"But it gets so dark in here!" complained Fishlegs. "You know how much I hate the dark." He hugged Meatlug in an attempt to comfort himself.

"Yes, we all know, Fishlegs," sneered Snotlout. "We've been hearing you crying yourself to sleep for the past four nights."

Hiccup allowed his face to fall into his hands. "Guys, please. We have to make the best of the situation."

"Yeah, exactly are we supposed to do that?" Tuffnut wrinkled his nose.

Hiccup sighed. "Just...just lie down and try to sleep." He took the lantern that was beside him and walked over to Toothless, who was huddled against the wall beside Stormfly. Both dragons looked bored, angry, and sad. However, they could not be blamed for their attitudes, as they had not been out for a flight since the day before the storm's arrival.

Nudging Hiccup with his nose, Toothless let out a grunt.

"I know, I know, bud," sighed Hiccup, placing a hand on the Night Fury's head. "I don't like being trapped in here any more than you do, but there's not much we can do."

"Give me my furs!" Ruffnut shouted. She reached to grab some of the fur blankets that were in Tuffnut's arms.

"These are all mine!" insisted Tuffnut, turning away from his sister. "They were in my saddle bag."

"We've been over this time after time, Tuff. It's our saddle bag!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Will you two shut up already?" Snotlout spoke through clenched teeth as he leaned against Hookfang. Luckily for him, the Monstrous Nightmare had an ability to radiate heat throughout his whole body, which proved useful in the chill of the nights.

"Guys, knock it off," Hiccup prompted. Grabbing his covers, he lay down in his usual spot - or rather, the spot that had become his usual place throughout the days of the unexpected Academy campout.

"Hey," whispered Astrid, who was already settled into the space beside him.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Hiccup, turning to face her. Throughout all the bantering, Astrid hadn't spoken one word, which was highly unusual. Typically, she was just as quick to speak out against those things as Hiccup was.

"Oh, look at the happy couple," chuckled Snotlout. "Are you guys gonna kiss good-night?"

"Snotlout, stop!" Hiccup's cheeks turned red. "Go to sleep already." He blew out the lantern, leaving the group in darkness.

Fishlegs whimpered, then let out a high-pitched scream. The sound was followed by Ruffnut's laughter.

"Made you jump," she said.

"Tears? Is that what you want?" shouted Fishlegs.

Shaking his head, Hiccup decided to ignore the bickering. It couldn't last forever, after all. He let out a small sigh and focused his attention back onto Astrid. "You okay?" he said softly, repeating his earlier question.

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