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Astrid Hofferson sat in the cove - the place where she and her new fiancée, Hiccup Haddock, had shared so many memorable times - and hugged her Deadly Nadder. It'd been three days since Hiccup had asked her to marry him, and she was beginning to feel a twinge of regret. It wasn't because she didn't love him, as that she did, it was because she felt he deserved better. After all, as Berk's future chief, he was expected to have the perfect everything - including a perfect wife.

And that she could not be. Because her parents had died when she was a baby and her Uncle Finn had fled in shame after being tormented about his failure to kill the infamous Flightmare, she had been left at the age of five in the hands of no one in particular. Up until she was around eleven, a few elders took turns letting her stay with them out of need and sympathy, but they hadn't taught her much. As a result, she had no idea how to cook - beyond roasting fish and yak over a fire - knew very little about sewing, and was completely clueless as to how to even begin raising children. That being said, she definitely didn't belong in the village's highest ranking family.

Stormfly, the name by which the Nadder went, nudged Astrid's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Although she was a dragon, she knew when Astrid needed love. Their bond wasn't as close as Hiccup's was with Toothless, his Night Fury, but it was still strong.

"Thanks, girl," Astrid murmured to Stormfly. She touched the dragon's large nose with the palm of her hand and leaned against her face.

Stormfly let out a soothing purr.

"There you are, milady."

Astrid let out a heavy sigh as she heard Hiccup land beside her on Toothless. Not in the mood to talk to him, she didn't make any move to look over at the new arrivals.

"Astrid," Hiccup said. It was obvious to him that something was bothering her. First of all, she'd been gone since noon, and now, the sun was beginning to set. Secondly, it wasn't like her to ignore him. Usually, she either greeted him and started up a conversation or, if she was upset with him, she'd punch him.

"I don't feel like talking, Hiccup."

"What's wrong?" He hopped off his dragon and sat beside her, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her into his chest. Usually, if something wasn't right for her, she'd talk to him whilst he cuddled her and played with her hair. It was the same for him; if he was having a bad day, she'd snuggle up to him and, against his will, braid his hair as he ranted about his troubles. It was just their thing.


"Come on, we both know that's not true." Hiccup brought up one of his hands to push the golden locks out of her eyes.

"I'm just feeling a little sick," she lied. "But I'll live."

"If you're sick, you should be resting at home," he stated firmly. "You're only gonna make it worse if you try to overdo things."

"I'll be fine, Hiccup." Astrid smiled at the sound of his heartbeat against her ear. It was a noise that soothed her, though she wasn't quite sure why.

He could tell she still wasn't being honest with him. Placing his fingers beneath her chin, he turned his face towards his. "Astrid, tell me what's wrong."

She sighed. He knew her too well. However, she wasn't ready to discuss her doubts about her ability as a wife with him. "I just want to be alone."

"Why? You'd feel better if you let it out, my darling. And you know you can talk to me about anything. I'd never judge you."

"I...I can't." Breaking free from his grasp, she climbed onto Stormfly and flew up into the clouds, hoping Hiccup wouldn't go after her.

And he didn't. Instead, he simply sat in the cove, his head leaning against Toothless' side. The friendly Night Fury licked his cheek and let out a purr of sympathy.

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