Hey Astrid

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Hey Astrid:

"Hey Astrid, have you ever wondered how many stars there actually are?" Hiccup was lying in the grass beside Astrid, looking up at the night sky that stood before them. They were supposed to be resting before continuing on their journey in the morning, but neither of them could fall asleep. Therefore, they had decided to take a midnight ride on Toothless, who had taken them to a small clearing that provided a beautiful view of what was above.

"What kind of stupid question is that?" asked Astrid, gently elbowing him.

"It's not stupid. I'm serious. I wish I could count them all."

"That's just childish." She shook her head, a smile of amusement playing on her lips. Even after months of constantly hanging out with Hiccup, she still never ceased to be surprised at the things that came out of his mouth. Most of them were ridiculous, but yet adorable - though she'd never admit to the latter aloud.

"But think of it, Astrid. We're only seeing part of the sky here. There must be lots more somewhere else."

"If you don't shut up, the only place you'll be seeing stars is around your head after I knock some sense into that brain of yours."

"Wow, that was uncalled for." Sitting up, he rubbed the back of his neck. Somehow, he always managed to mess things up.

"Your stupidity is uncalled for," she shot back, tossing a twig at him. "But you're still kinda cool anyway."


"Hey Astrid," Hiccup started. "Have you ever wondered why hugs always make you feel better?"

"I don't like hugs," Astrid muttered. She was sitting on the ground, angry after losing a dragon race to Snotlout. She could have won, but she'd been clumsy enough to fall from the saddle.

A lopsided smile appeared on his face. "Of course you do." He lowered himself down beside her and wrapped his arms about her small waist. A year had passed since they became official, and Hiccup had finally learned how and when to be affectionate toward her without getting killed.

"Do not." She punched him in the arm.

He pulled her closer. "Do too."

She sighed. "Fine. I like hugs. But only from you." Realizing what she had just said, she quickly added, "Don't you dare tell anyone I said that, though."

"You got it, milady."


"Hey Astrid, have you ever wondered what the rest of the world is like?" Hiccup was on the couch of Astrid's sitting room, her head resting in his lap as she lay down.

"Why would I care about that?" she asked. Time had passed, and she'd grown from an awkward, messy-haired, tough, and stubborn teenager into a beautiful - but still tough and stubborn - young woman. However, her personality was softer when she was with Hiccup, as she felt her guard didn't need to be up around him anymore.

"Because we've lived on this little island our whole lives. Don't you ever get curious?"

Shrugging, she sat up and cuddled against his arm. "I guess sometimes."

He smiled down at her and have her hand a loving squeeze. Just as he was about to lean in to kiss her lips, he was distracted by the smell of fire. "What in the name of Thor is -"

"My bread!" Astrid exclaimed, running into the kitchen. She opened the oven to reveal two loaves of thoroughly burnt bread. She'd never been a good cook, but since she was growing older, she had resolved to improve her skills in case she and Hiccup ever decided to marry and start a family.

He followed her, amusement written on his face. "You know, you're just as big of a klutz as I am sometimes, milady."

"You shut up!" She punched his stomach, then, feeling slightly guilty for her outburst, pecked his lips.


"Hey Astrid." Rubbing his neck, Hiccup struggled to control his nerves. "Have you ever wondered how it would feel to be...to be..."

"To be what?" Astrid prompted, raising an eyebrow. She and her boyfriend had just finished cleaning up the dragon academy after a day of training and were about to head to his house for dinner.

"Uh...um..." He froze, his cheeks darkening in color.

"You know babe, if you're afraid of looking stupid, don't be. You've embarrassed yourself in front of me so many times. I mean..."

Taking a deep breath, Hiccup began again. "Astrid, have you ever wondered how it would feel to be...well...married?"

A smile crept across her face as she jumped onto him, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms hugging his neck.

"Woah there," he said, struggling to keep his balance. Once he was steady, he embraced her in return.

Astrid, who was typically good at concealing her emotions, fought to stop the tears of joy that were flowing from her eyes.

"Wait, are you...are you crying?" Hiccup questioned, a wave of panic washing through him.

She didn't respond.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I just...well...I was just wondering if you'd ever wondered." As soon as the words left his mouth, he cursed himself. How much dumber could he possibly sound?

Taking one of her arms from around him, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and smiled up at him. "I actually have. But there's only one way to find out how it is for sure."

"Well, would you want to find out with me?"

"Nothing would make me happier," she responded, leaning in to kiss him.

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