Sense and Sensibility

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"Go back to the house. I'll be there in a few. Do not follow me. Can I trust you guys?"

"Promise us you'll be safe and you won't get into another fight." Nick pleaded.

"Yeah okay." And with that I started my bike and rode off.


Muttering, I rev the engine as I pull onto the highway. "I still don't know why I even downloaded that app in the first place." 

Traffic had began to build up, and before I knew it, the entire highway was at a standstill on I-85. I put in my airpods and began blasting my music. Streets by Doja Cat came on (play now), and I began bobbing my head, imagining I was in a music video. Cars honked in the background, the sounds turning into an out-of-tune symphony. 

"America you unfinished symphony" Laughing, I roll my eyes while letting myself relax, shoulders dropping, jaw unclenching. 

We all have places to go, you can wait a few minutes.

Thirty minutes had gone by and I had only gone half a mile. I groan audibly before leaning to see if I could squeeze by.

"Fuck it." I look around, hoping there were no cop cars. I pull off, drifting between cars and trucks. Slowly riding between two lanes, I pass an accident or two along the way. I could feel eyes staring me down, people wishing they could get out of this trap. 

My phone rang as I pulled off the highway and up to a light, pressing my foot on the break. I answer it and am met with screaming. I put myself on mute, groan and slump onto my bike.

"Where are you and why is your location off?!" Taking a breath and shaking it out, I respond.

"Mom give me a minute, I'll be home in a couple of hours." I sigh knowing that I'd most likely be grounded afterwards. 

She's only yelling because she cares. 

"Are you safe? That's all I care."


"Yes mama, I'm safe. I was hanging out with some new friends and I needed to go for a ride to let off some steam. I didn't want them following. Just a petty argument." I let out a breath I didn't  know I was holding. My chest heaves up and down, struggling to get air in. The light had long turned green, and drivers behind me voiced their frustrations as I accelerate through the now yellow light, leaving them waiting through another light change.

"You're getting older, and because you're being safe, I'm letting you off the hook this time. But promise me that if you do turn it off, just tell me where you're gonna be."

"Can I just delete the app? You said it yourself, I'm getting older. I can handle myself. For God's sake, you had me enrolled in brazilian jiu jitsu." My mind was on autopilot holding this conversation as I pulled up to the Airbnb the boys were staying at.

"We'll talk about it when you get home. I love you Arianna."

"I love you too mama." 


Inside the house, the boys were calm... for the most part. Nick on the other hand, he was more freaked out than the others were. Pacing in front of the TV, his hands shake at the idea of AJ being out in the city with no backup in case anything went down. Brandon and Austin were trying their best to keep him from having a full on panic attack, and it was working, sort of. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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