You've gotta be kidding me

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Ari's POV
Nick left and I got up, stretching out my back. After everything that happened today, I just hope I doesn't get out. It may be only 12:30 pm, but I'm ready to go back to my house and sleep until the next day, when I have school. Shit. I have school tomorrow. I'm in for a lot of bull. I went back home and ran up to my room. I got changed into some gray Nike tights and a blue crop top that said 'Need tea? Boo I got it'. I've always loved this shirt. I walked into my parents room to see my mom watching tv.

"Hey mom. I'm gonna go for a run. I'll be back in like 45 minuets. Love you." I smiled from the doorway.

"Be safe babygirl. I love you too." My mom blew me a kiss from where she was and I pretended to catch it. It's always been our thing. Since my dad died, it's how we connect. I jogged our the door and made sure I had everything I needed. I had my phone, (completely charged), water, my Fitbit, and my jacket. Sometimes it got chilly. I turned off of my street and headed towards my old school. Erial Elementary... So many memories.

As I was jogging, I passed by an alley and heard a voice that sounded like Nick's. I paused and hid behind the wall; honing in on their conversation was so easy considering they were almost yelling.

"I don't care what you say you're going to do. There's no way I'm letting you hurt Arianna like that. You are missing out on an amazing girl, and you should know that. And you most DEFINITELY do NOT wanna mess with me. I am from New Jersey and you know how we can get. So, if I ever see your hands on her again, you'll be seeing me once more. Try me and see what happens."

"And what if I do? Mr I-Sing-And-Dance-To-A-Whole-Bunch-Of-13- Year-Olds. For your small stature, you're quite strong, but I'm stronger." I could practically FEEL him smirking.

If you were stronger, you would've gotten out of Nick's grip at Starbucks. I rolled my eyes as Nick looked up. Carter followed Nick's gaze, and those horrid eyes landed on my small, petite body. "I said that out loud didn't I?" Nick nodded. You've gotta be kidding me.

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