The Broken Girl

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Arianna's POV

"Yeah mom. I'll drop bye later.....Yes I broke up with Carter. Bye mama." I smiled weakly, hanging up as I walked into Starbucks. I walked up to the counter, and the Barista known as Brielle smiled at me.

"The regular I'm guessing?" She laughed. I smiled and nodded. "That'll be $5.83" I handed Brielle a 10 dollar bill and told her to keep the change. I went and sat down at a table. I looked over and my eyes widened at the sight. It was Carter! Shit. I pulled my hood over my head and looked down at my phone.

Just then a cute boy came and sat down in front of me. "This seat taken?" He asked quietly. I shook my head. "I'm Nick. What's your name?" Nick smiled.

"It's Arianna." I whispered. Nick looked confused as to why I was whispering when my name was called. "Be right back." I smiles weakly, then slid out of the booth. I walked up to the counter and grabbed my Carmel frappe with extra carmel. I walked back to my seat when Carter spotted me and walked in. I quickly lost him in the crowd of people and got back to my seat, where Nick was waiting for me with a smile on his face.

"Why did you tell everyone that we broke up." Carter asked, slamming his fist down on the table. I flinched and kept my head down. Carter took my phone out of my hand and threw it on the ground. I heard the glass shatter and I cringed at the thought of getting it fixed. I looked up at Carter and stood up.

"Because I'm tired. I'm tired of you hurting me all the time Carter." I said with a hint of confidence in my voice.

"What did you just say?" Carter's bright blue eyes clouded with anger building up as he slapped me.

"Nothing. I'm sorry." I looked down at the ground, rubbing my now red and throbbing cheek.

"She said that she's tired of you hurting her all the time. How could you hurt an innocent girl like Arianna?" Nick asked, standing up in front of me.

"I wasn't talking to you dipshit. I was talking to the whore." Carter snarled. I began tearing up and a sniffle escaped.

"I suggest you take that back right now. Or else I will make you take it back." Nick stood his ground. "Arianna, go over with the barista. I'll be there in a minute." Nick cracked his knuckles and Carter just smiled evilly. I nodded and ran over to Brielle. Carter threw a punch but luckily Nick dodged it. He grabbed Carter's wrist, and pinned it behind his back. I could hear Carter groaning in pain. "Arianna, come back. I think Carter here has something to say."

I slowly walked back to the middle of the room, still looking down at the ground. When I finally got to where the guys were, I finally saw what Carter had made me feel these last 3 1/2 years. Pain. Regret. Sadness.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the times I slapped you," Carter groaned as Nick pushed his arm farther up his back. "AAAAH. ALRIGHT DUDE. I'M SORRY FOR THE THINGS I CALLED YOU, AND ALL TH-THE RUMORS I SPREAD ABOUT YOU. A-AND IM SORRY FOR CHEATING ON YOU. GOD. I-I'm sorry for everything." His voice cracked at the end. I looked him straight in the eye with my teared up ones.

"I don't forgive you. You don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Nick?" Nick looked at me waiting for my next words. "Take out the trash." He smiled and laughed.

"FINALLY!" He held Carter by his arms and pushed him out the door. Some tears fell and people began walking up to me, telling me that I was strong.

Nick's POV

I walked back into the store to see people giving Arianna hugs. I smiled and walked back over to her. I grabbed her hand softly and we walked back to our booth. I smiled and we began talking...

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