All Over Again

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Hey lovelies! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been swamped with school, but now that the coronavirus has cancelled my plans I'll be able to write more. I've decided to change how Aria looks. I feel like Analisse captures her essence more. Please feel free to go back to the Cast chapter to see what she looks like. I also changed Carter because I felt like Tony could fit better.

I love you guys and thank you for the support, I would like to know what suggestions you have for the book to make it better! I want this book to be the story that captures your heart and I can't do that without your feedback. Thank you to the 17 thousand of you who have read my book and I promise to update more. Anyway, back talk the story, I hope you guys love it!

*2 months later*
Nick's POV
I smiled as I laid my hand on her thigh,"Hey I'm glad you're doing better."

"You're not getting rid of me that fast, you just became my best friend." Aria placed her hand overtop mine and gave it a little squeeze. I kissed her forehead before smiling.

Third Person POV
As the boys were getting ready to finish their tour, after putting it on hold for a few weeks, Aria and Nick wanted to spend as much time with each other as they could. The two were practically inseparable, joined at the hip if you will.

Zion walked into the room and saw the two kissing. Groaning, he yelled, "Yo! Get a room. Y'all kids got some drugs in yo system or what? All over each other bout ready to slurp the others brains out. Y'all niggas needa chill wit that. Making me feel all single and shit."

The three friends laughed, as Austin, Edwin and Brandon came into the room.

"Anyone tryna explote the city? I'm so bored and we only have a few days left before we gotta head out," Austin rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner.

"I know some great places we can go!" Arianna stood up and clapped quickly before running off to grab her jacket and sneakers.

Brandon's POV
"When are you going to tell them?" I pressed.
Austin dragged me into the dining room before glaring at me.

"I'm not telling either of them."

I shoved him slightly, "You have to. He's your brother man! It's not right."

"There's no need to tell them and make everything all weird." Austin shoved me into the counter.

I leaned in closer to his face and whispers, "Austin, I swear to god. If you don't, I will. Tick. Tock. You're running out of time." I could see him visibly gulp before I turned around, walking out of the dining room like nothing happened. I leaned against the wall and watched as Porter stomped out of the dining room, visibly agitated.

"Yo Nicholas what's taking so long?"

"Edwin chill she's getting dressed. You know how long girls take to get dressed." Nick laughed and went back to scrolling on his phone. Zion groaned, and headed to the kitchen, probably to stuff his face. I chuckled to myself.

That mans is always down for some food. I thought. Sighing, I sat on the couch and looked through my Twitter.

Aria's POV
I jogged down the stairs, sighing with content. I have great new friends and we're gonna go spend the day with one another.

Zion smacked his forehead and exclaimed, "Lil mama, not the black forces! You really don't care about yo life do you?"

Nick looked over and gave a look of disapproval. "Mamas, I know you got some better shoes. Not the black forces."

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