Lets Pay A Visit

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Aria's POV
"You guys are lucky she doesn't have too much damage. She is going to need surgery to straighten her vocal cords out. If you look here, this bump is being caused by a breakage in the left cord."

"How has she been able to talk then Doctor?" Nick asked.

"She hasn't spoken much, so she hasn't injured it much more." Dr. Rakesh explained. I looked over at Ed and he sighed in relief.

"So how bad is her injury? Does she need immediate surgery?" Ed wondered.

"She will. They're inflamed, and blood is getting clotted. If you have anyone who is close to Miss Jackson, call them right now. This surgery isn't performed as much because it is so rare. Larynmengitis is so uncommon, that it's only around 3% effective. You have less than a three percent chance to live. I know it's a lot to think about, but you have time. You have 50 hours to get back to me." I feel like the world is crashing down. I placed a hand over my heart and started hyperventilating.

"Ari. Are you okay." I shook my head and started gasping for breath. This can't be happening. I'm only seventeen. I can't leave Nick. Not now, I'm just starting to like the guy.

"Get....Get my brother...Ben. Now." I panted and Edwin rushes out to call the guys. I touch my cheek and feel warm tears falling down onto my cheek.

"Babygirl...I'm so sorry. You will make it through. I know you will." He wrapped his tan muscular arms around me and held my head to his chest. I can't talk, and I might die from this procedure.

Ed's POV
"You guys gotta get down here now, and pick up her mother, her special blanket and her opal ring. I'll explain when you get here. Just please hurry." I pleaded with Brandon over the phone.

"Yeah, no problem. We're on our way." I heard his keys jingling, and a chair scraping.

Brandon's POV
"Yeah, no problem. We're on our way." I pushed myself out of my chair and grabbed my jacket. I hung up and pulled my jacket back on before texting Shirley. "Ben, grab her blanket and her opal ring. We don't have much time. ZION! CARTER! AUSTIN! GET DOWN HERE! WE GOTTA GO."

I grabbed some blankets, snacks and some water and shoved it into a bag.

"What's going on?" Bennett ran down the stairs.

"It's your sister. Ed didn't tell me anything, but I did hear some crying in the background." Ben's eyes immediately went wide.

"We're getting my mom. Now." His voice went dark and deep.

"I already texted her, she knows we're on the way." I yelled for the other three once more before hearing Zion stomp down the stairs groaning and whining about how 'my blind ass just got him killed by a pistol when he had a sniper.'

"Hey did Ed call?" Austin asked. I nodded slowly and picked up the bag. "It's not good is it?"

"No. We gotta pick up my mom and get to the hospital stat." No one asked anymore questions and we all got in Nick's SUV.

I hope she's okay.  Nick really likes her.

Zion's Pov

Whoever this girl is, I hope she's okay. Nick really likes her.

3rd Person

To say that Nick was a mess was an understatement. He was, at least, a category four hurricane. His emotions were all over the place. He was all over the place.

"Nick! We're here." Aria's mom came running down the hall, hugging him tightly as soon as they were close enough.

Ed poked his head through the door. "Let's pray. We're gonna need it. The doctor said that only about 3% of people make it through the surgery." With that, everyone looked at each other before walking into the room. Nick and Angela stood on either side of their baby girl. Austin was next to Nick, then Dr Rakesh, Zion, Bennett, Edwin, Carter, and then Brandon holding Angie's hand.

"Dear lord, we come to you in prayer to keep my babygirl through this surgery. I pray you she's strong enough to survive. I know she will because you've placed your hand on her." Angie began.

Brandon continued. "I ask that you place a hedge of protection around Ari as she goes under to get this life saving surgery. She's an amazing girl and I don't know what we'd do if we lost her."

"Lord, I have committed many sins against this girl but I ask you for healing mercies. I know that you know that I have a good heart, even if I didn't always do the right thing to Ari. I love her, and I know that you've got her back." Carter teared up, and Brandon patted him on the back.

"I may not know this girl, but her family cares about her. We care about her. I care about her, so I ask that you keep her safe. With every ounce of energy in me, I release it to her, for Ariana to be strong and fight through the surgery."

"God. Please keep my sister, I just got her back and I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. She's my best friend, my other half, my heart and soul. Please keep her, I need her." Bennett cried silently into Zion's side.

"Aye big man, I may not be the most religious person, and I may not go to church as much as my momma would like, but I ask you to heal Blue. Keep this girl safe as she goes under the blade, and as she wakes up, lord let me get at least some good footage of her being stupid. I wanna get to know this goofball better, but I can't do that if you can't pull off this dub." Everyone laughed a little at that.

It kept going until it got to Nick. He began choking on his words until Austin reminded him to breath.

Nick's POV
I started silently crying through everyone's prayers. I love this girl even though I won't see her much.

"God, I haven't known Ariana long but what I do know is that I love her like a best friend. She's an amazing person and if I lost her, I don't know how I'd go on in life. I thank you for bringing all of us in each other's lives, and interconnecting us. Thank you for blessing us with the power of family. Thank you for keeping us around this long. Thank you for everything you've done for us, are doing for us, and will continue to do for us. I pray that Aria goes through a speedy recovery, and that she's back to herself in no time. In Jesus name I pray, amen." Everyone hugged each other, before hugging Aria.

"You're going to be fine Ariana. I promise you that." I kissed her head before letting the nurses take her away and put her under.

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