Good Morning (OC + Slender Brothers)

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Content Warnings
• Casey thinks about his near death experience
• Slender and Casey make everyone else in the room uncomfortable
Word Count: 2400+
Summary: This takes place AFTER Coffee Breath but BEFORE Sentiments Shared. Casey awakes from his medically-induced coma to find himself surrounded by his strange new family. Sibling banter ensues, a nurse is thoroughly bothered.


Casey's comatose dream had lead him to believe he was dead. Such a thing was certainly reasonable to assume, considering the last thing he could remember was being cleanly impaled by the tendril of an unfamiliar creature. Between then and now, he'd been totally unconscious, and upon his arrival to the hospital roughly a week-and-a-half ago, he was put into a medically induced coma to prevent his own shock from killing him.

The hook-like barb at the end of Wilderman's tendril made a mess of his insides, but miraculously, a few surgeries got him back into working order.

Ever since Slender had brought him to this hospital, and notified his brothers of what happened, all four of them had been mulling about the various lobbies and halls, just waiting for Casey to turn out alright.
Each of them had taken up some way of occupying their minds, so that they didn't spiral downward into their own worries.
Splendor had been bringing cheer to those in other wards, and 'Fender used his time to read all the very informative medical pamphlets and old magazines left out in lobbies. Trender, meanwhile, was using his time to draft a new hoodie for Casey, given that his old one was torn up and bloodied from the attack.

Slender, however, did not find such comfort in distractions. Aside from reading the daily newspaper, he didn't once leave the room Casey was being monitored in, and hardly ever even got up from his seat. He was excellent at hiding just how worried he was that the wannabe proxy who'd given him a change of heart might not pull through.

The hospital staff had been quite on edge ever since roughly a week ago when Slender attempted to communicate with Casey telepathically. However, when the attending nurse walked in on Slender with his hand clutching the boy's limp head, it did not go over well.

Not more than a few days after that, Slender caught one of the night doctors trying to inject Casey with who-knows-what. Judging from the doctor's pitch black eyes and near-gray skin, his best guess was that it was an attempt at euthanasia. He reported this the next morning, but the morning nurse assured him that Dr. Dredd was one of the best practitioners they had on staff, and it was surely just a misunderstanding.

Slender opted not to sleep since then, which had only worsened his mood. A steady flow of terrible hospital coffee kept him going, though.

All of this lead up to the day Casey woke up.

One moment, he stood alone in a train tunnel, no amount of running in either direction lead him any closer to one end or the other. What was only a bit over a week in real time had felt like years in his dream, culminating into a last ditch effort at escape. He stood stiff on the tracks as a train hurtled towards him... but he never did get hit. Not by a train, anyways.

It was late morning when he opened his eyes, momentarily blinded by the sunlight coming in through a window that Splendor insisted never have its blinds closed. For a moment, he'd thought he'd reached the end, seeing only bright white that cause his eyes to blink and water. But the light didn't last as his eyes adjusted, and he saw something just about anyone would be mortified to see.

Anyone but him, of course.

Above him towered all four of the brothers, this being the first time he had ever seen them all in the same room at once. Slurring due to the amount of painkillers in his system, he asked the first question that came to mind.

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