It's About Damn Time (Splendor X OC)

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Content Warnings
Daisy cries a bit =-(
• Brief self-deprecating talk on both sides
• Happy ending though. Of course.
Word Count: 800+
Summary: Very short piece where Splendor and Daisy make it official. This has been written forever but I didn't want to post it because it was too short, but I don't care anymore, I'm gonna start posting stuff that's shorter. Hence the title, I feel bad I haven't updated this in a while. Enjoy.


Splendor raised Daisy's hand to his lips and gave the back of her palm a kiss, before letting her rest her hands in her lap again. As odd as it was that he tucked her in like this every night, she couldn't say she wasn't fond of it. But it was only ever a hand kiss. He hadn't come anywhere near her face yet, when he seemed to have no issue giving Casey a peck on the forehead.
As he stood and walked across the room to flick off the lights, her curiosity got the best of her.

"Can I ask you a question, Splendor?" She asked, her voice quiet and as weak as it tended to be.

His gloved hand hovered over the light-switch.
"Of course, my dear," He replied, turning his head towards her with a kind smile, "Anything you like."

"Do you... love me?"

Complicated question. Perhaps he could avoid the complicated answer.

"Yes, of course," He assured her, "You are very dear to my heart."

Daisy paused, gathering her thoughts so she could continue her questioning without losing her courage. The silence made Splendor anxious.

"Why don't you kiss me on the forehead like you kiss Casey, then?"

There's no easy way to explain it's because he fears he won't be able to resist placing one on her lips. He remained silent, turning his head to face the wall.

"Why is it you have your makeup on when I fall asleep, but when I wake up, you're putting it back on?"

There's no gentle way of telling her he fears that she won't love him if he looks like Slender. He remained silent, again.

"And... and... why did you try to hide me from everyone when there were already humans in the house?"

The way her voice began to waver worried Splendor deeply. He left the wall, returning to her bedside and kneeling down. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"Why would you do all that unless you were ashamed of me? Or if you didn't love me?"
Splendors brow furrowed upwards as he saw her eyes start to water.
"Why am I even here..." She mumbled, as her thoughts began spiraling ever downwards.

Splendor sighed in a sullen sort of way, before removing his hat and placing it on the floor beside him. He couldn't let her feel this way. As ashamed as he was to admit it, he was in love with her. If not knowing the truth made her feel like this, then she had to know how he actually felt. There was simply no other option.

"Daisy... truthfully, I..."
He hesitated, but shook his head slightly and pushed through.
"My problem is that I love you too much."

That confession seemed to be enough to pull her out of her spiral.
"What...?" She asked, not totally sure of what he meant.

"I love you more than I love Casey. I... I love you in a different way..."
His hands were balled up into fists in his lap. If Slender's confrontation with her didn't scare her off, this certainly would.
"I've been holding back. I've been trying to bury these feelings, because I'm so... old... and I'm huge, and you're just..."

"Small, and weak..." She muttered.

"You're young, and beautiful. I know you deserve more than me."

Young and beautiful?
Old? Huge?
How could he think so little of himself? All he's ever done was help people, and all she'd ever done was feel sorry for herself. In her eyes, it was him that deserved better than her.

She watched as he hung his head in shame, likely expecting some sort of awful rejection.

"Splendor..." She started, her tone raised to get his attention. When he looked back up at her, she continued, "Show me how you want to kiss me."

Splendor stared at her in disbelief. Was that some kind of joke? He was utterly speechless.

"Show me where on my face you've been scared to kiss me. Please?"

He couldn't refuse that please, but he was still so hesitant. Without speaking, he raised a hand and tapped two fingers against his lips, confirming if that's what she wanted.

"Mhm," She replied, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes that he loved to see, "That's okay."

Beneath his rosy makeup, his cheeks flushed a true shade of off-gray. He couldn't believe it! Her approval of his feelings for her eased a great deal
of his shame, enough so to give him the courage to kiss her like he'd always wanted to.

Slowly, he reached out to lift her chin, trying to contain his glee as she looked up at him with sparkling eyes. He leaned in just as slow, and planted a long, tender kiss against her lips.

She grasped his oversized hand with both of her own when their lips parted.

"I'd like one of those before bed from now on, if that's alright?" Daisy asked.

"Of course. It'd be my pleasure."

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