First Aid (Legends!Slender + OC)

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Content Warnings
• Talk of wounds that Slender gave Casey
• Casey gets manhandled
Word Count: 600+
Summary: Something very short that was on my mind. Legends!Slender still knew Amelia back in the day, and still knows the first aid he learned from her. Of course, in TNC: Legends, he gets annoyed when he has to use it. Cue Casey struggling to bandage his arm up with one hand, and Slender having to do it for him.


Casey tried to strike up conversation right around this point in their encounters. Really, if they were to do any talking, the time that Casey took to bandage up and that Slender took to watch was the longest period of peaceful silence they'd ever shared.
Casey bit a length of bandage in half and tucked the end underneath one rung of wrappings. It was mostly just his arms and shoulders he had to tend to at the moment, a cake walk compared to some of the past times he's had to clean himself up. Not that he ever faulted Slender for getting carried away.

"You wanna hear something funny?" He asked, pausing the process to look up expectantly.
He got no response. Just a blank, faceless stare. Dead silence, a silence that permeated even the corners of his mind.
"...When I was a kid, and I would draw you all the time, I used to be SO insistent that your tie was red. So it's pretty funny that now that we've actually met, I know your tie was black the whole time, which means..."

"Be quiet," ordered Slender's voice in his mind, "If you waste any more time, you'll start bleeding again."

Casey briefly made a wide-eyed expression that Slender was more familiar with than his usual dumb smile, and his attention turned back to his first aid. One arm was wrapped all the way from his wrist to his shoulder, and the other arm was next. The netted material was so tight he didn't have as much mobility in the arm as he was used to, and he almost worried he may not be able to tend to his free arm as well as he did his first.

He didn't have much choice but to try, though. He pulled out the end of the bandages and started to coil them around his free arm as best he could.

His best wasn't good enough, apparently.

"Get up," Slender ordered.
Casey looked up at him, again with his eyes widened. He wasn't sure he heard him right, but he knew from the tone he was in trouble. He didn't respond.
A tendril wrapped around the wrist of his bandaged arm and yanked him to his feet, making him wince and gasp from sudden strain on his wounded muscles. Before he could open his mouth, Slender had taken the bandages from him and pulled forward the hand of his half-wrapped arm.

Casey remained silent for the moment, holding his arm out straight as he watched Slender wind the gauze over the wounds he inflicted with a sort of natural skill he would have never expected.
"How are you doing that?" Casey asked, "Where did you learn first aid?"

He didn't get any answer he might of wanted, instead the grip on his hand became one of vice and the bandages were pulled so tight that the closed gashes became irritated again.
"Careful—" He muttered, apparently to no one who was listening.

Slender did a fine job, but without the sort of bedside manner most would want in a situation like this. Casey didn't mind, of course. Once he was done, Slender put the remaining bandages in Casey's hand and paused to inspect his handiwork.

After a few moments of the two staring at each other, Slender turned to leave.

"Where did you learn first aid?" Casey asked again, louder than before. He dropped the roll in his hand into his backpack and took a few steps to follow after Slender.

It wouldn't get him far, though. With a muffled hiss, he was gone.

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