Feeling Loved ( Legends!Splendor + OC )

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Content Warnings
• Implied self harm
• Casey talks fondly about all the scars Slender's given him
Word Count: 1500+
Summary: Casey sneaks downstairs in the orphanage at night to tend to his needs, only to be lead into the parlor by the sound of Splendor playing the piano. They briefly talk about Casey's history with Slender, and then share a much needed bonding moment.


Casey knew Splendor didn't trust him around the kids just yet, so he kept himself scarce around the orphanage. The attic that he shared with Aiden was thankfully well-stocked with books and paper and pencils, allowing him to write and draw most of the day until night fell, and the kids were all put to bed.

Night was when he'd come downstairs to tend to his needs. He'd feed himself, maybe relax on the couch for a while, and shower if needed. Splendor spent most of his nights in the bunking room, so if any of the children awoke and needed water or a blanket, he'd be right there to fetch it for them.

Despite Splendor being so cold to Casey, he was comforted that he was at least a fairly good guardian to the children. Casey didn't like to be a burden on him, he had enough to worry about.

This was such a night he descended down the attic ladder, and down the stairs to the ground floor of the orphanage to fix himself something to eat. As he crossed the hall into the kitchen, though, he noticed a sound. A melody, as a matter of fact. Someone was playing the piano in the parlor.

Instinct said it was Splendor. Casey worried what he might say to him if he interrupted Splendor's practice, but he never did get to attend the children's music lessons, and had never before heard their guardian play.
Curiosity got the better of him. Quietly, Casey crept into the entry hallway, peeking around the corner of the archway to look for the source of the music.

"Come in, Casey," Splendor said, stopping abruptly but not turning away from the piano to face him, "I've been meaning to talk to you."

Casey's blood ran cold, but he obeyed the request, walking into the room until he stood just behind Splendor. Two of his tendrils were extended from his back, their sharp tips resting on either side of the piano. He must use them when he plays.

Casey knew better than to speak unless spoken to, but a part of him hoped Splendor would be more forgiving.
"How did you know it was me?"

Splendor turned his head slightly to the side, and Casey noticed he wasn't wearing his makeup. Even more strangely, his mouth as closed. It didn't seal shut like he'd seen Slender and Trender's mouths do when closed, which made Splendor seem just that much more unfamiliar to him. The corners of his mouth that were usually pinned back sagged down to his jawline in rungs of jowls. He looked... sad. Horribly so.

Casey was almost too distracted by his appearance to hear his response. Almost.

"You have a certain sort of... aura, if that makes sense. I knew it was you as soon as you came down the stairs. I think you've got an old soul. Very old, especially for someone as young as yourself..."
Splendor placed his hands back on the keys, but didn't play. He only slowly turned his head to cast his eyeless gaze over the piano again.
Casey didn't respond, put off by the fact Splendor's mouth looked almost human, but still didn't move when he spoke. Splendor continued.

"I'm sorry if I've made you feel like a pest in this house, Casey. I can admit my faults, and I do not trust easily. The children are my top priority, and I worried your proximity to Slender might make you a bad influence."
He put his hand down on the seat and pushed himself to one end, making room for Casey to sit down beside him.
Casey stopped and stared at the bench before slowly bringing his legs out over it and settling down. He sat hunched forward, his arms crossed in such a way that his hands could graze over the patchy scars on his upper arms. He couldn't help but flinch when Splendor placed a hand on his back, no matter how gently.

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