Coffee Breath (Slender X OC)

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Content Warnings
• Slender almost kills someone, but they're cool with it. Think of that what you will.
Word Count: 1900+
Summary: Basically what the content warning says. Slender makes an attempt on his newest proxy Casey's life, and comes to regret it deeply given Casey's half-asleep response. It's all good, though. For now.


Slender was starting to become quite uncomfortable with the human he'd allowed to live in his home. Casey Maguire, or Crybaby (as he called himself), works as the sole delivery person for the Tall House. No courier was willing to venture into the scraggly woods alone—other than Casey, anyways.

In the time that the young man had been staying in the house (without Splendor's knowledge, mind you), Slender had come to realize just how mentally disturbed he was. At least, that's what Slender called it.
Casey seemed to like him. A lot. Too much for comfort. He was always pestering Slender when he could, which was basically all hours of day except for the two that he worked, and the seven that Splendor came home to sleep.

The problem is that Slender has never been much of a problem solver. At least, not in the same way a human may solve their problems. When someone began to wear down the being's patience, he did what came naturally.

He murdered them.

And so, a few plans on how to rid himself of Casey began to formulate in his mind. His options were slim—Splendor hung around the woods too often for Slender to be able to get away with a murder out there. The screams he was sure he'd earn from his target would be enough to alert every living thing in a five mile radius.
So, he began to ponder how he might get away with a murder in the house.
The bathroom would be easiest to clean, but he really didn't care to think about what humans do in bathrooms, so that was out of the question.
He supposed he could wait for the Tall House to offer basement access, and then simply toss Casey down the stairs and let the house consume him. This wasn't quite ideal, either. But only because of Slender's greed. If he was going to kill, he wanted to enjoy every last moment of it. And he wanted a body to feast on, afterwards.

The final option he'd thought of was perhaps the simplest. Casey sleeps in the attic. Splendor and Slender cannot stand up in the attic, and so do not often venture up there. If Slender could murder Casey in his sleep, while crouching down in the attic, he might be able to get away with it, so long as he was quick about disposing of the body. He'd just need to wait for Sunday, when Casey didn't have work. He always slept in on Sunday mornings.

And so, a week came and went. Sunday morning had arrived.
Slender checked his pocket watch as he stood in the upstairs hallway. It was 7:32 AM. Splendor had left only a few minutes ago, and likely wouldn't be back until much later in the evening. What splendid timing. A whole day, just for Slender to enjoy himself.

Those had been so rare, lately.

Slender lowered himself to his knees, knowing he'd have a serious problem if he tried to teleport into the attic while standing. Subconsciously, he straightened his tie, as if preparing for some sort of important business meeting. Through his point of view, this was a dinner reservation for one at the best restaurant in town. Boiling hot coffee and cubed steak was okay, but nothing compared to the feeling of real human blood dribbling down his chin, and real hunks of human flesh down his throat. He was salivating just thinking about it.

With a muffled static sound, he was in the attic in an instant, positioned over Casey so that the human laid beneath him as he rested on his hands and knees. Casey's bed being a bare mattress on the floor made this so much easier, Slender was quite glad he opted not to try to acquire a bed frame for this little weirdo when he moved in.

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