Daisy Bell (Splendor X OC)

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Content Warnings
• Mentions of Daisy's suicide attempt
• Mentions of Daisy's anorexia
• Splendor thinking about malnourished children when he sees how skinny Daisy is
Word Count: 1900+
Summary: Through luck, fate, or whatever force you believe in, Daisy happens to be staying in the Grausburg City Hospital at the same time a certain wannabe proxy is recovering from an unfortunate attack. Here she meets Splendorman, who despite his attempts to help, comes off as untrustworthy to world-weary Daisy Darner.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Daisy was so... tired. It'd been like that for a while, but much worse as of late. Her poor diet and poor mental health certainly didn't help this state, and even when she tried to rest, nightmares kept her from being able to properly recharge.
She used to be able to manage her tiredness with medication, but after losing her job (and with it, her health insurance) she lost access to those very helpful pills. The past year had been very, very rough. Starting in January, everything had been going downhill. Lost her job, lost her healthcare, lost her apartment, moved back home, lost her independence...

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

It wasn't too unexpected for her to find herself hospitalized in December.

She was in the ICU for a number of reasons. She had poor health in general, mostly due to malnourishment brought about by an eating disorder. Her mental health struggles had only worsened the whole ordeal, and lead her to a suicide attempt which landed her in the hospital in the first place.

She hated this feeling. All these tubes and wires, the constant beeps and whirring sounds. She felt like a test subject. Her albinism only made people stare at her more. Daisy wanted nothing more than to disappear, or find some quiet hidey hole to wait out all her troubles in.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

But here she was. Laying flat in an uncomfortable hospital bed, counting the pockmarks in the ceiling tiles like stars in the sky. If she had to guess, it was past midnight by now, but she hardly had the energy to sit up and check the time.
She'd lost count a long time ago, but didn't care to restart. All she was doing was killing time, waiting for the doctors to be satisfied so she could go home and have the whole cycle start over again.

She was still so tired. If she couldn't sleep soundly in her own bed, she's shit out of luck trying to sleep here. She had a melatonin earlier, but was too kept up by her own thoughts to close her eyes long enough for it to work.
She closed her eyes regardless.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Oh, how she hated that awful noise.
Just then, she heard something new. Something marginally more tolerable. The muffled ring of a few small jingle bells.

Not totally out of the ordinary for the season. But why in a hospital? Why did it sound so close?

Why didn't she feel alone anymore?

Against her better judgement, Daisy opened her eyes.
She shrunk down under the sheets at what she saw.

It was clearly one of those things from the news. She remembered the controversy well, although not so much all the details. The gargantuan man towering over her wasn't totally featureless, he had two small eyes and rosy cheeks. Although, she came to realize that the eyes weren't real. They were only drawn on.
This wasn't very comforting, though, as one thing Daisy did remember was that if you even so much as looked at one of them it was already too late.

This wasn't very comforting, though, as one thing Daisy did remember was that if you even so much as looked at one of them it was already too late

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