Off Limits (Eyeless Jack x OC)

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Content Warnings
• EJ teases that he'll kill Stuart
• Stuart's father's death is mentioned
• General talks of murder I guess
Word Count: 2100+
Summary: Stuart snoops around in Eyeless Jack's basement when he knows he absolutely shouldn't be. EJ catches him with a very old passport of his, and they have a short conversation about their relationship.

————————————————————Stuart did have the common sense not to poke around in places a literal serial killer asked him not to, but he elected to ignore it. He supposed it was this same flippant disregard for his own safety that landed him in a relationship with the infamous Eyeless Jack, but he didn't care to behave otherwise. Ever since his dad's death four years ago, his life had been plummeting downhill, and his sense of self worth had plummeted along with it.

He knows there's a decent chance Jack would kill him any day now, but he knew that coming into this. He just didn't care about the outcome.

So, while Jack was showering in the upstairs bathroom, Stuart crept down the basement stairs, gingerly shutting the door behind him. At the bottom of the stairs was the space that EJ used as a bedroom, fitted with a box-frame bed with unkempt sheets, a clothes rack where he kept all his outfits, and a desk where his laptop and a lamp were situated. Both washed and unwashed clothes littered the corners of the concrete-walled room, sorted only just barely. Believe it or not, the place was in worse shape before Stuart had arrived. He guessed that EJ had the decency not to live in a total pigsty while they were together.

The door against the far wall was what caught Stuart's attention immediately. There were a number of locks along the side of the door, similar to the kind you'd put on your front door to keep people out.

Except this was a door meant to keep people in.

During the nights that he and Jack shared, Stuart was often kept up by the thought of what could be behind the door that was only a few feet away. He'd never before had an opportunity to slip in unnoticed, and so of course didn't want to squander his first chance.
He quietly snuck over to the door, rolling his feet on their sides as he walked to keep the floor from creaking under his weight. This was a tactic he learned for traversing his own home. His father's tragic death made his mother scornful of him, which he assumed was due to the striking resemblance he shared with his old man. That long, narrow nose was unmistakable. That was the Symble family nose. Regardless, she didn't like to see him much. So Stuart made himself scarce.

None of the locks on the dark wood door were fastened, which comforted him to a certain extent. That meant no one was locked in there, right?


No use in standing here wondering. He carefully rested his hand on the doorknob, turning it slow enough that he could hear the inner mechanisms snap and creak. Once the turn had hit a stop, he extended his arm forward, gingerly pushing the door open as he let the knob return to its resting position.

He wasn't exactly surprised by what he found, but he got a little uneasy nonetheless.

This offshoot of the basement was even grungier than the part EJ lived in. Situated in the middle of the room were three clawfoot bathtubs, all coated in a thin layer of grime, and none connected to any sort of pipes. He knew exactly what they were for, with bags of ice coming to mind when he noticed freezers lining the wall to his right. This must be the room where the magic happened. And by magic, I of course mean gruesome murder.
The left wall had a few counters, a sink, and a wide steel worktable. Where most would find horror, Stuart found intrigue in the tools lined up on the table's surface. He walked over the rough concrete floor to get a closer look.

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